RealmLoginKit 0.1.4

RealmLoginKit 0.1.4

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Tim Oliver, Realm Inc., JP Simard, Tim Oliver, Jason Flax, Realm CI, RealmConverter, David Spector.

Depends on:
Realm>= 0
TORoundedTableView>= 0

  • By
  • Realm

Realm LoginKit

A general purpose account login user interface for apps implementing the Realm Mobile Platform.

CI Status
GitHub license

Realm LoginKit is a UI framework that provides a fully featured login screen for apps that make use of the Realm Mobile Platform.

It has been designed to be easily dropped into existing app codebases, and to provide a fully featured interface allowing users to either log in, or register new accounts in that app.


  • Light & dark themes for light apps like Realm Draw, and dark apps like Realm Tasks.
  • Fully adaptive to both smartphone, and tablet screen sizes.
  • Easy swapping between 'log in' and 'sign up' modes.
  • Optional settings to hide the server URL and 'remember me' form fields.
  • The ability to remember username and passwords on subsequent app launches.

Versions & Requirements

Realm LoginKit only supports iOS at the moment.


  • Xcode 8.0 and up
  • iOS 9.0 and up


Currently in development, and should be finished soon.


Currently on the roadmap with development starting soon.

Third Party Dependencies


  • Realm Objective-C - The Objective-C version of the Realm Mobile Database.
  • TORoundedTableView - A subclass of UITableView that creates rounded table sections when view on iPad.

Example Code


// Create the object
let loginController = LoginViewController(style: .lightTranslucent) // init() also defaults to lightTranslucent

// Configure any of the inputs before presenting it
loginController.serverURL = "localhost"

// Set a closure that will be called on successful login
loginController.loginSuccessfulHandler = { user in
	// Provides the successfully authenticated SyncUser object


// Create the object
RLMLoginViewController *loginController = [[RLMLoginViewController alloc] initWithStyle:LoginViewControllerStyleLightTranslucent];

// Configure any of the inputs before presenting it
loginController.serverURL = @"localhost";

// Set a closure that will be called on successful login
loginController.loginSuccessfulHandler = ^(RLMSyncUser *user) {
	// Provides the successfully authenticated RLMSyncUser object

Setting up the Demo App


In order to run the Realm LoginKit demo app, it is necessary to install CocoaPods in order to integrate the third party libraries.

  1. If you haven't already, install CocoaPods.
  2. Open Terminal, and navigate to the root Realm Puzzle directory, e.g. cd ~/Projects/realm-loginkit.
  3. Run pod install to install the necessary dependencies needed by Realm LoginKit.
  4. Open RealmLoginKit.xcworkspace instead of the xcproject file.




CocoaPods is the recommended way to install Realm LoginKit into an app as this will automatically manage recycling Realm Objective-C as a dependency. In your PodFile, simply add pod 'RealmLoginKit'.

Realm LoginKit also provides support for third party authentication providers. However, since these providers may require additional dependencies that might otherwise be redundant, they are being isolated in separated CocoaPods subspecs:

  • Amazon Cognito - pod 'RealmLoginKit/AWSCognito'


You can also integrate Realm LoginKit manually; simply copy the RealmLoginKit folder to your app, and drag it into Xcode. That being said, you will also need to install the dependencies separately as well. See their respective GitHub repositories for installation instructions.


See for more details!

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Realm LoginKit is licensed under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for details.
