ReactiveBeacon 0.3.1

ReactiveBeacon 0.3.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Eli Perkins.

ReactiveCocoa bindings for iBeacon activities, mainly monitoring and ranging.


  • Add pod 'ReactiveBeacon', '~> 0.2.0' to your Podfile
  • pod install
  • #import <ReactiveBeacon/ReactiveBeacon.h>


There are two main methods to monitoring beacon regions.

-fetchPresenceForRegion: will give you the current state of the device in a region. This method will send the @YES or @NO only once and complete. This can be useful for an immediate query on a region.

-presenceForRegion: will give you a signal that will return entrance and exits from a region. Entrances will be marked as @YES, exits as @NO.


To range for beacons, listen on the property beaconsInRange. This will return all CLBeacons that are currently in range for the device.


ReactiveBeacon is published under the MIT License.
