Radon 1.4.2

Radon 1.4.2

Maintained by Bas van Kuijck.

Radon 1.4.2

  • By
  • Bas van Kuijck


Radon is part of the E-sites iOS Suite.

A lightweight framework to schedule and cancel local notifications.

forthebadge forthebadge

Platform CocoaPods Compatible Quality Travis-ci

Inspired by R.swift by Mathijs Kadijk. 👏
The difference between R.swift and this one, is that it only looks for images and has a special --watch parameter.




pod 'Radon'

And then

pod install


Just download the radon binary and put it anywhere you like.


Just run:

$ Pods/Radon/bin/radon

With the following options:

Usage: Pods/Radon/bin/radon [options]
  -f, --folder:
      The folder to scan
  -o, --output:
      The folder to write the Radon.swift files to
  -w, --watch:
      Automatically watch the 'folder'
  -r, --remove_foldernames:
      Remove the name of the folder from the filename

With the --watch option the cli app wil automatically scan the folder and generate the Radon files when any changes have been made inside that folder.

So for instance:

$ Pods/Radon/bin/radon --folder ./Resources/ --output ./Classes/Generated/ --watch --remove_foldernames

This will generate two files:

  • Radon.swift
  • Radon+images.swift

You can use these two files in your project.

See the example project for more information.


let image = Radon.images.assets.icons.ironMan
let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100)

For your convenience you can also use the shorthand R.swift notation.

typealias R = Radon