is a lightweight protocol-oriented router framework.
By using the framework to provide default types, or custom router, you can quickly build your own routing components, and then decouple your own projects.
- iOS 10 or later.
- Xcode 10.0 or later required.
- Swift 5.0 or later required.
pod 'RaRouter'
- Support to execute the corresponding content according to router string, or get some return value.
- Protocol-oriented, providing a very high degree of freedom for you to customize router operations.
- When adding/removing router components, no need to add/remove any registration related codes.
- Through encapsulation, collectively define and hide router strings to reduce the risk of hard coding.
- You can keep the type strict when performing router through encapsulation.
For related content, please refer to wiki: Quick Start.
The following code shows the module encapsulated with RaRouter
: ModuleA
With this code, you can have a preliminary impression of RaRouter
For more functions and complete sample code, please refer to the demo provided with the warehouse (under the
// In the `Interface.swift` file of the router project
public enum ModuleA: ModuleRouter {
public struct Factory: RouterFactory {
public init() {}
public enum Table: String, RouterTable {
case create = "RaRouter://ModuleA/create"
case doSomething = "RaRouter://ModuleA/do/something"
case calculateFrame = "RaRouter://ModuleA/calculate/frame"
public extension Router where Module == ModuleA {
static func doSomething(start: Date, end: Date) -> DoResult {
return Router.do(.doSomething, param: (start, end))
static func calculateFrame(with screenWidth: CGFloat) -> GetResult<CGRect> {
return Router.get(of: CGRect.self, from: .calculateFrame, param: screenWidth)
static func create() -> ViewControllerResult {
return Router.viewController(from: .create)
// In the `Register.swift` file of the core project
extension Test.Factory: FactoryMediator {
public var source: RouterFactory { RealFactory() }
private struct RealFactory: RouterFactory {
lazy var doHandlerFactories: [String : DoHandlerFactory]? = [
ModuleA.Table.doSomething.rawValue : { (url, value) -> DoResult in
guard let param = value as? (start: Date, end: Date) else {
return .failure(.parameterError(url: url, parameter: value))
print("We are doing these things from \(param.start) to \(param.end)")
return .success(())
lazy var getHandlerFactories: [String : GetHandlerFactory]? = [
ModuleA.Table.calculateFrame.rawValue : { (url, value) -> GetResult<AnyResult> in
guard let screenWidth = value as? CGFloat else {
return .failure(.parameterError(url: url, parameter: value))
return .success(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: screenWidth * 0.25, height: screenWidth))
lazy var viewControllerHandlerFactories: [String : ViewControllerHandlerFactory]? = [
ModuleA.Table.create.rawValue : { (url, value) -> ViewControllerResult in
return .success(UIViewController())
// Execute
_ = Router<ModuleA>.doSomething(start: Date(), end: Date())
let frame = Router<ModuleA>.calculateFrame(with: UIScreen.main.bounds.width).get(default: .zero)
if case .success(let controller) = Router<ModuleA>.create() {
navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
During the development process I referred to URLNavigator, a great open source component. Feel the author's contribution!
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.