QiscusUI 0.2.7

QiscusUI 0.2.7

Maintained by Ashari Juang, Arief Nur Putranto.

Depends on:
QiscusCore~> 0.2.6
AlamofireImage~> 3.4.0
SwiftyJSON~> 4.2.0

QiscusUI 0.2.7

  • By
  • Qiscus

QiscusUI - Messaging and Chat UI Component for iOS

Qiscus Enable custom in-app messaging in your Mobile App and Web using Qiscus Chat SDK and Messaging API

Platform Languages CocoaPods


Build with Xcode 10 / Swift 4.2 Please use branch swift4.1 if you'r using Xcode 9.4


  • Default Chat View
  • Default Chat List
  • Custom Chat List Cell
  • Custom Chat View Cell
  • Customize Input Chat
  • Customize Navigation Bar
  • Complete Documentation

Component Libraries

In order to keep QiscusCore focused specifically on core messaging implementation, additional libraries have beed create by the [Qiscus IOS] (https://qiscus.com).

  • Qiscus - An chat sdk with complete feature, simple, easy to integrate.
  • QiscusCore - Chat Core API, All chat functionality already on there.
  • QiscusRaltime - An realtime messaging library. Already handle realtime event like user typing, online status, etc.

Classes in QiscusUI

The table bellow details the most important classess in QiscusUI.

Controllers Description
UIChatListViewController A controller that provides list of conversation for the authenticated user.
UIChatViewController A controller that a scrollable, auto-pagination view of the messagess.

Custumize you chat buble or create you specific chat buble for custom comment/message type.

TableViewCell Description


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate QiscusUI into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'QiscusUI',

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install