QMonthElement 0.1.0

QMonthElement 0.1.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Simon Rice.

Depends on:
QuickDialog~> 0.9
SRMonthPicker>= 0

  • By
  • Simon Rice

This is a plugin for QuickDialog (v0.9) that allows you to have an element with a month picker. This month picker is implemented in SRMonthPicker. Implementation & usage is kept as similar as possible to QuickDialog's QDateTimeElement

Including in your project

The easiest way by far of including this project is to use CocoaPods. Once you've got that up & running for your project, simimply add the dependency to your Podfile:

platform :ios
pod 'QMonthElement'
# ...

Then run pod install to install the dependencies. This will also include v0.9 of QuickDialog & the latest version of SRMonthPicker for you.

Alternatively, simply clone this project as a submodule or download the classes, and include them in your project. Bear in mind the library & its dependencies use ARC, so you should create static libraries if your project doesn't.


Usage is kept as similar as possible to QuickDialog's Date & Time elements. There are 2 different types of elements:

  • QMonthElement: allows you to edit a month in a new view controller that is pushed automatically.
  • QMonthInlineElement: allows you to edit a month in the same view controller.

A quick example can be applied in any view controller that subclasses QuickDialogController - usually I would put this in -(void) awakeFromNib:

self.root = [[QRootElement alloc] init];
self.root.grouped = YES;
QSection *section = [[QSection alloc] init];
QMonthInlineElement *monthPicker = [[QMonthInlineElement alloc] initWithTitle:@"Month" date:[NSDate date]];

[self.root addSection:section];
[section addElement:monthPicker];


As everyone says, GitHub is about social coding - I didn't just choose to use it because of my love of git as a version control system. Please do chip in & help make this an even better project.


This library is licenced under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file or any class header for the full details.