QBRateLimit 1.0.1

QBRateLimit 1.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Katsuma Tanaka.

Rate limit controller.


Install with CocoaPods.

pod 'QBRateLimit'

Then import the header file.

#import "QBRateLimit.h"


Basic usage is setting interval and limit property and using performRequest to decrease the remaining count.

QBRateLimit *rateLimit = [[QBRateLimit alloc] init];
rateLimit.interval = 10.0;
rateLimit.limit = 2;

NSLog(@"Remaining: %lu", rateLimit.remaining); // 2
NSLog(@"Exceeded: %@", [rateLimit isExceeded] ? @"YES" : @"NO"); // NO

[rateLimit performReqeust];

NSLog(@"Remaining: %lu", rateLimit.remaining); // 1
NSLog(@"Exceeded: %@", [rateLimit isExceeded] ? @"YES" : @"NO"); // NO

[rateLimit performReqeust];

NSLog(@"Remaining: %lu", rateLimit.remaining); // 0
NSLog(@"Exceeded: %@", [rateLimit isExceeded] ? @"YES" : @"NO"); // YES

You can use convenience setter.

QBRateLimit *rateLimit = [[QBRateLimit alloc] init];
rateLimit.perHour = 60;

perHour sets interval to 3600.0 and limit to 60.

You can get noticed when the rate limit is reset.

- (void)somewhere

    self.rateLimit.delegate = self;


// QBRateLimitDelegage
- (void)rateLimitDidReset:(QBRateLimit *)rateLimit
    // Rate limit was reset


QBRateLimit is available under the MIT license.
See the LICENSE file for more info.