PropertyDefaults 1.0

PropertyDefaults 1.0

Maintained by Taeho Lee.

  • By
  • Taeho Lee


cocoapods compatible carthage compatible language swift

The simplest UserDefaults wrapper PropertyDefaults lets you guarantee unsafe literal-based UserDefaults keys and values and guarantee them. Codable type support. This project is hard fork with entirely different approaches from DefaultsKit


Installation Guide


Instantiate, or get a shared instance of Defaults

let defaults = Defaults() // or Defaults.shared


  • Swift 4 Codable Support
  • Key-Value-Type-safety - Using pre-defined Swift property instead of String literal.
  • Restriction for using only Protocol.
  • Permission control with Protocol
  • Integration with Keychain Access as the same interface.

Key-Safety Property Definition

PropertyDefaults supports only protocol expansion pattern that is focusing on syntax-driven key value handling, therefore perfect safe custom properties with Swift.

An example to use with basic Codable types:

extension Defaults: PropertyDefaults {
    public var autoStringProperty: String? {
        set{ set(newValue) } get{ return get() }
    public var autoDateProperty: Date? {
        set{ set(newValue) } get{ return get() }

So you can use Defaults like this:

var sharedDefaults = Defaults()
sharedDefaults.autoStringProperty = "the new value will persist in shared scope"
Defaults.shared.autoStringProperty = "the new value will persist in shared scope"

// sharedDefaults.autoStringProperty == Defaults.shared.autoStringProperty

var localDefaults = Defaults(suiteName:"local")
localDefaults.autoStringProperty = "the new value will persist in local scope"

// localDefaults.autoStringProperty != Defaults.shared.autoStringProperty

Directly save/load as Codable type

public struct CustomValueType: Codable{
    var key:String = "value"
extension Defaults: PropertyDefaults {
    // default value with 'or'
    public var autoStringPropertyWithDefaultValue: String? {
        set{ set(newValue) } get{ return get(or:"default string value") }
    // non-optional - must define the default value with the keyword 'or'
    public var autoCustomNonOptionalProperty: CustomValueType {
        set{ set(newValue) } get{ return get(or: CustomValueType()) }
    // optional with/without setter default value
    public var autoCustomOptionalProperty: CustomValueType? {
        set{ set(newValue) } get{ return get() }
    public var autoCustomOptionalPropertySetterDefaultValue: CustomValueType? {
        set{ set(newValue, or: CustomValueType()) } get{ return get() }

With this pattern, as you know, you also can control access permission with protocol. It means you can use 'private' or 'fileprivate' defaults access.

// MyFile.swift
fileprivate protocol PrivateDefaultKeysInThisSwiftFile:PropertyDefaults{
    var filePrivateValue: String? {set get}

extension Defaults: PrivateDefaultKeysInThisSwiftFile {
    public var filePrivateValue: String? {
        set{ set(newValue) } get{ return get() }

// Can access - 👌
// MyOtherFile.swift

// Not able to access - ❌