PrettyButtons 0.2.0

PrettyButtons 0.2.0

Maintained by Chris Perkins.


PrettyButtons is a pod for creating animated UIButtons that respond to user-touch.


  1. Install CocoaPods

  2. Add this repo to your Podfile

    target 'Example' do
    	# IMPORTANT: Make sure use_frameworks! is included at the top of the file
    	pod 'PrettyButtons'
  3. Run pod install in the podfile directory from your terminal

  4. Open up the .xcworkspace that CocoaPods created

  5. Done!


The example project shows how the above demonstration was created.

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


PrettyButtons can be initialized by any of the following methods:

init(style: OverlayStyle = .none)
init(frame: CGRect, style: OverlayStyle = .none)
init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)

Where OverlayStyles is defined as:

enum OverlayStyle: Int {
	case none = 0
	case slide = 1
	case bloom = 2
	case fade = 3


Chris Perkins

PrettyButtons is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.