PostHog 3.15.6

PostHog 3.15.6

Maintained by Marius Andra, Eric Duong, Ben White, Manoel Aranda Neto.

PostHog 3.15.6

Version License SwiftPM Compatible

PostHog iOS

Please see the main PostHog docs.

Specifically, the iOS integration details.

Development Guide

To get started

  1. Install XCode
  2. Install CocoaPods
  3. Run pod install
    1. If you face segmentation faults on M1 Macs, this might be a potential cause
    2. To fix, run gem install --user-install ffi -- --enable-libffi-alloc
  4. Open the file PostHog.xcworkspace workspace in XCode
  5. Run tests using the test navigator . Skip TvOS tests by changing the target in the top middle bar from PostHog to PostHogTests.


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