PopupUpdate is a library that provides us an easy way to show a popup for a new available version for the current application. PopupUpdate purpose is to make the user to update the application. It shows a popup, which is configurable. You can choose to have a normal popup, which reminds the user that a new version is available and the user can ignore it, or you can choose "force update", which forces the user to update the application.
Supports Light Mode:
And Dark Mode:
First you should import the library:
import PopupUpdate
Force update:
/// Force update example
PUUpdateApplicationManager.shared.checkForUpdate(shouldForceUpdate: true,
minimumVersionNeeded: "1.2.3",
urlToOpen: "https://www.upnetix.com/") { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error Supported version: \(error)")
Normal update:
/// Normal nofity update example
PUUpdateApplicationManager.shared.checkForUpdate(shouldForceUpdate: false,
minimumVersionNeeded: "1.2.3",
urlToOpen: "https://www.upnetix.com/")
Update with all parameters:
PUUpdateApplicationManager.shared.checkForUpdate(shouldForceUpdate: false,
minimumVersionNeeded: "2.0.1",
urlToOpen: "https://www.upnetix.com/",
currentVersion: "1.0.1",
keyWindow: window,
alertTitle: "AlertTitle",
alertDescription: "AlertDescription",
updateButtonTitle: "UpdateButton",
okButtonTitle: "Ok") { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error Supported version: \(error)")
Try it out. You can download and run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
PopupUpdate is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'PopupUpdate'
and don't forget to install the pod by running the following command in the terminal from the directory of your project:
pod install
Upnetix, [email protected]
PopupUpdate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.