Polly 0.4.3

Polly 0.4.3

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2016

Maintained by James Campbell.

Polly 0.4.3

Polyfills for iOS.


Just import the umbrella header somewhere (I recommend the main.m file) and all polyfills are applied:



  • UITraitCollection.forceTouchCapability : On iOS 8 this property is implemented and returns UIForceTouchCapabilityUnavailable. If you want to use the polyfill in swift then we expose a polly_forceTouchCapability property.

  • CLLocationManager.requestLocation : On iOS 8 this method is implemented and replicates perfoming a single location update like it's iOS 9 counterpart. If you want to use the polyfill in swift then we expose a polly_requestLocation method.

  • UIViewController.registerForPreviewingWithDelegate:SourceView : On iOS 8 this method is just a Nop to allow you to keep your code clean. If you want to use the polyfill in swift then we expose a polly_registerForPreviewingWithDelegate:SourceView method.

  • UIViewControllerPreviewing : We provide polly prefixed properties to allow you to interact with this protocol without use of the #avaliable macro. Promoting cleaner code.



Polly is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Polly"


James Campbell, [email protected]


Polly is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.