Table of contents
Framework to encapsulate persistence logic using Protocol Oriented Programming. This is an EXAMPLE framework to show how to use:
- Cocoapods
- Protocol Oriented Programming
- Dependency injection
- Unit Testing
Supported databases
- Core Data
- Realm
Using Cocoapods, add in your Podfile:
All databases
pod 'PersistenceFramework'
Only Core Data database
pod 'PersistenceFramework/CoreData'
Only Realm database
pod 'PersistenceFramework/Realm'
How to use
To use this framework, you just have to know a few protocols. This makes easy to change from one database to another.
This is the base protocol that any database must implement. The idea is to provide with the most used functionalities that a database should offer. For any other use, you can recover the database context an implement your custom code.
public protocol DatabaseProtocol {
func create<ReturnType: DatabaseObjectTypeProtocol>() -> ReturnType?
func recover<ReturnType: DatabaseObjectTypeProtocol>(key: String, value: String) -> [ReturnType]?
func delete(_ object: DatabaseObjectType) -> Bool
func getContext() -> DatabaseContextType
Saveable Protocol
Optional protocol used in Core Data.
public protocol Saveable {
func save() throws
Updatable Protocol
Optional protocol used in Realm.
public protocol Updatable {
func update<DatabaseObject: DatabaseObjectTypeProtocol>(_ object: DatabaseObject) -> Bool
REMEMBER: This is just an example. Feel free to fork this repo and make your own version.
To create or recover a database, you have to use the DatabaseBuilder struct specific for the desired database. This struct required to be initialized with all the vital information for each case (Core Data need differents things than Realm)
Core Data Builder
Instantiate this struct to create a Core Data database. You can have as many as you want. Just be sure to use a different "name".
The information you need to provide is:
- databaseName: String parameter with the name of the database.
- bundle: Bundle where the NSManagedObjectModel file is located, needed in case of migration.
- modelURL: URL with the path to the NSManagedObjectModel file.
public struct CoreDataBuilder: CoreDataBuilderProtocol {
public typealias Database = CoreDataManager
public let databaseName: String
public let bundle: Bundle
public let modelURL: URL
public func create() throws -> CoreDataManager {
Use example:
let modelURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "MyModel", withExtension:"momd")
let databaseBuilder = CoreDataBuilder(databaseName: "CoreDataDatabaseName", bundle: Bundle.main, modelURL: modelURL)
let database = try? databaseBuilder.create() as CoreDataManager
Realm Builder
Instantiate this struct to create a Realm database. You can have as many as you want. Just be sure to use a different "name".
The information you need to provide is:
- databaseName: String parameter with the name of the database.
- passphrase: String with the key to encrypt the database. Cannot be an empty String.
- schemaVersion: UInt64 with the current number of version. Default value is 0. (Optional parameter)
- migrationBlock: MigrationBlock needed when the model is changed. Default is nil. (Optional parameter)
public struct RealmBuilder: RealmBuilderProtocol {
public typealias Database = RealmManager
public let databaseName: String
public let passphrase: String
public let schemaVersion: UInt64
public let migrationBlock: MigrationBlock?
public func create() throws -> RealmManager {
Use example:
let databaseBuilder = RealmBuilder(databaseName: "RealmDatabaseName", passphrase: "Passphrase")
let database = try? databaseBuilder.create() as RealmManager
REMEMBER: This is just an example. Feel free to fork this repo and make your own version.
Example to create a new User entity:
let newObject: User? = database.create()
Example to recover all User entities:
let recoveredObjects: [User]? = database.recover()
Example to recover a specific User entity. Can be used with any attribute, that is why it returns an Array. E.g.: return every User with name "John"
let recoveredObjects: [User]? = database.recover(key: "name", value: "John")
Example to delete a specific User entity. Returns true if the operation succeed or false if not:
let result = database.delete(objectToDelete)
Core Data
Custom Core Data method to save the context:
Custom Realm method to update a specific User entity. Returns true if the operation succeed or false if not:
let result = database.update(newObject)
Add Custom Code
To make any other use of the databases, you can recover the context to use it:
let context = database.getContext()
Core Data
Lightweight migration: just needs to initialize the database as always and the framework will migrate automatically.
Heavyweight migration: needs to create, in the same bundle of the database, a NSMappingModel to do it. If needed, in the NSMappingModel you can also setup a class of NSEntityMigrationPolicy type and add custom logic for the migration process.
When the model changes, you have to follow the next steps:
- Raise the schema version
- Create the migration block in the Builder struct. You can see some examples below:
migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
if (oldSchemaVersion < 1 && self.lastSchemaVersion >= 1) {
print("Automatic migration")
// Nothing to do!
// Realm will automatically detect new properties and removed properties
// And will update the schema on disk automatically
if (oldSchemaVersion < 2 && self.lastSchemaVersion >= 2) {
// The enumerateObjects(ofType:_:) method iterates
// over every Person object stored in the Realm file
migration.enumerateObjects(ofType: Person.className()) { oldObject, newObject in
// combine name fields into a single field
let firstName = oldObject!["firstName"] as! String
let lastName = oldObject!["lastName"] as! String
newObject!["fullName"] = "\(firstName) + \(lastName)"
if (oldSchemaVersion < 3 && self.lastSchemaVersion >= 3) {
// The renaming operation should be done outside of calls to `enumerateObjects(ofType: _:)`.
migration.renameProperty(onType: Person.className(), from: "age", to: "yearsSinceBirth")