PathSlicer 1.0.1

PathSlicer 1.0.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Michał Tynior.


Returns information about Nancy style path strings such as /rebels/{name}/{action}/.


  • [x] Turns Nancy style path into regular expression
  • [x] Returns arguments for capture components
  • [x] Allows to add custom path component types
  • [ ] Support for case sensitivity
  • [ ] Support for optional compoments
  • [ ] Support for RegEx named capture groups



  • iOS 9.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Xcode 7.3+


You can also manually add PathSlicer to you project:

  1. Download repository,
  2. Drag Sources folder into you project’s tree.


let slicer = PathSlicer()

let path = "/rebels/{name}/{action}"
let pathDescription = slicer.getPathDescription(path)

The pathDescription variable contains following values:

pathDescription = {
    regex = "rebels\\/([^\\\\/]+?)\\/([^\\\\/]+?)(?:\\/(?=$))?$",
    arguments = [ "name", "action" ]

Suported segment patterns

Literal segments

Literal segments don’t contain any arguments and are matched as they are.

let slicer = PathSlicer()

let path = "/empire/darth_vader/choke"
let pathDescription = slicer.getPathDescription(path)

The pathDescription variable contains following values:

pathDescription = {
    regex = "/empire/darth_vader/choke(?:\\/(?=$))?$",
    arguments = [ ]

Capture segments

Capture segments allow to add parameters to the paths. Each capture segment is surrounded by { and }. Capture segments are returned in argument property of path description.

let slicer = PathSlicer()

let path = "/empire/{name}/{action}"
let pathDescription = slicer.getPathDescription(path)

The pathDescription variable contains following values:

pathDescription = {
    regex = "empire\\/([^\\\\/]+?)\\/([^\\\\/]+?)(?:\\/(?=$))?$",
    arguments = [ "name", "action" ]

RegEx segments

RegEx segments allows to define custom component machers. Right now named caupture groups of regular expression are not returned as arguments of path description.

let slicer = PathSlicer()

let path = "/can_be_jedi/(?<age>[\\d]{1,2})"
let pathDescription = slicer.getPathDescription(path)

The pathDescription variable contains following values:

pathDescription = {
    regex = "can_be_jedi/(?<age>[\\d]{1,2})(?:\\/(?=$))?$",
    arguments = [ ]


PathSlicer is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.