Parsely Tracking on iOS
This repository contains the code necessary to build and test the Parsely tracking framework for iOS. It also includes a basic sample iOS app that can be used to interactively experiment with Parsely tracking. Full API documentation is available here.
The ParselyAnalytics
SDK is available via CocoaPods.
Including ParselyAnalytics in a project
First, set up a local CocoaPods environment if you haven't already:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
Then add the following to your the project's Podfile:
pod 'ParselyAnalytics'
Then, run pod install
to install ParselyAnalytics
as a dependency.
Using the tracker
In any file that uses Parsely Analytics functionality, include import ParselyAnalytics
At app startup, initialize the Parsely
singleton. A good place to do this might be the top-level application delegate:
var parsely: Parsely?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
self.parsely = Parsely.sharedInstance
// optionally call configure to set an API Key for all requests
self.parsely.configure(siteId: "")
// other app initialization
return true
Once you've done this, you can call tracking methods on self.parsely
self.parsely.trackPageView(url: "")
self.parsely.startEngagement(url: "")
Design Notes
To conserve battery usage and network bandwidth, the SDK will batch pixel requests as they are made, and flush them periodically. Each pixel retains its creation timestamp regardless of when it was sent. Upon app shutdown, or when the app is backgrounded, it will flush whatever pixels are currently in the queue.