TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | Obj-CObjective C |
License | Custom |
ReleasedLast Release | Feb 2015 |
Maintained by Illya Busigin, Illya Busigin, Sam Odom, Xiangwei Wang, Steven Spry.
Version 1.3.0
This is Phunware's iOS SDK for the Content Management module. Visit http://maas.phunware.com/ for more details and to sign up.
The following frameworks are required:
Phunware Content Management has a dependency on PWCore.framework, which is available here: https://github.com/phunware/maas-core-ios-sdk
It's recommended that you add the MaaS frameworks to the 'Vendor/Phunware' directory. This directory should contain PWCore.framework and PWCME.framework as well as any other MaaS frameworks that you are using.
Documentation is included in the Documents folder in the repository as both HTML and as a .docset. You can also find the latest documentation here: http://phunware.github.io/maas-content-management-ios-sdk/
The Phunware Content Management SDK allows developers to fetch and manage the various pieces of data in the Content Management module, including containers, schemas, structure and content. Content Management spans across your entire organization, so different applications can potentially share the same content.
Containers hold a single structure. You can create any number of containers in the Phunware portal. You can also associate tags with containers to assist with fetching.
Schemas are applied to structure items and define what fields of data a particular structure item can contain. You can create any number of schemas in the Phunware portal. You can also associate tags with schemas to assist with fetching.
Structure items are used to build the structure and hierarchy of the data. Each structure item that is defined as an object can also optionally be assigned a schema that defines what content can be saved to structure items.
The structure of the content object relies completely on the structure of the menus and schemas.
The primary methods in Content Management revolve fetching, creating, updating and deleting content. You can also GET structures, containers and schemas.
// Get a specific piece of content for the specified content ID, container ID and structure ID. The contents are always returned as an NSDictionary object. It's recommended that you parse the dictionary into a model object.
[PWCME getContentForContentID:@"CONTENT_ID" containerID:@"CONTAINER_ID" structureID:123 success:^(NSDictionary *content) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Update content for the specified content ID, container ID and structure ID. Any omitted fields will maintain their previous values.
NSDictionary *updatedContent = @{@"user_name" : @"MaaS Test User"};
[PWCME updateContentForContentID:@"CONTENT_ID" containerID:@"CONTAINER_ID" structureID:123 updatedContent:updatedContent success:^{
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Add content to the specified container ID, structure ID and parent content ID. Ideally, the new content dictionary has all the fields as specified by the structure and schema. If not, the required fields will be created for you with empty values.
NSDictionary *newContent = @{@"user_name" : @"MaaS Test User"};
[PWCME addContent:newContent containerID:@"CONTAINER_ID" structureID:123 parentContentID:@"PARENT_CONTENT_ID" success:^(NSString *newContentID) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Delete content for the specified content ID, as well as all content children.
[PWCME deleteContentForContentID:@"CONTENT_ID" traverse:YES success:^{
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Delete all content children for the specified content ID.
[PWCME deleteContentChildrenForContentID:@"CONTENT_ID" success:^{
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Fetch all containers.
[PWCME getAllContainersWithSuccess:^(NSArray *containers) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Fetch a specific container item.
[PWCME getContainerWithContainerID:@"CONTAINER_ID" success:^(PWContainer *container) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Get an array of containers that match an array of tags.
[PWCME getContainersContainingAnyTags:@[@"CONTAINER_TAG"] containingAllTags:nil success:^(NSArray *containers) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Fetch all schemas.
[PWCME getAllSchemasWithSuccess:^(NSArray *schemas) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Fetch a specific schema item.
[PWCME getSchemaWithSchemaID:@"SCHEMA_ID" success:^(PWSchema *schema) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Get an array of schemas with the specificed pagination parameters
[PWCME getSchemasWithLimit:10 offset:0 success:^(NSArray *schemas, PWPagination *pagination, BOOL pagingEnabled) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Fetch a specific structure item with the specified stucture and container ID. In this example, we want to traverse into all child structures and exclude schemata.
[PWCME getStructureWithID:123 containerID:@"CONTAINER_ID" depth:kPWCMEDepthFullHierarchy includeSchema:NO success:^(PWStructure *structure) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Get an array of structures for the specified container ID. In this example, we want to traverse into all child structures and include schemata.
[PWCME getStructuresForContainerID:@"CONTAINER_ID" depth:kPWCMEDepthFullHierarchy includeSchema:YES success:^(NSArray *structures) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {