PPLeftMenuNavigation 1.0.3

PPLeftMenuNavigation 1.0.3

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.1
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Pierre Perrin.

  • By



PPMusicImageShadow is a view that imitates in real time the shadow blurred effect of iOS Music App.

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If you prefer you can clone the project, release the framework or use the swift files directly.

Code Example

First add a "Main" viewController on your Storyboard as a subclass of PPMenuContainerViewController and as initialviewController.

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Then add PPLeftMenuDatasource protocol to your main viewcontroller (The protocol is similar as a UITableViewDelegate protocol, but simpler)

class MainViewController: PPMenuContainerViewController, PPLeftMenuDatasource {

    var items : [PPLeftMenuItem] = [
    PPLeftMenuItem.init(WithText: "FirstItemTitle", icon: UIImage.init(named: "FirstIcon")),
    PPLeftMenuItem.init(WithText: "SecondItemTitle", icon: UIImage.init(named: "SecondIcon")),
    PPLeftMenuItem.init(WithText: "ThirdItemTitle", icon: UIImage.init(named: "ThirdIcon"))

    //Here you set 
    override func awakeFromNib() {

        self.datasource = self
        if let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "YourViewControllerIdentifierForYourFirstItem"){
            self.contentViewController = vc

    func numberOfItem() -> Int {
        return items.count

    func itemForRow(row: Int) -> PPLeftMenuItem {
        return items[row].leftMenuItem

    func didSelectRow(atIndex index: Int, item : PPLeftMenuItem) {
        if let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "viewControllerForSelectedRow"){

            //Here you change the viewcontroller (with a fade animation or a blur transition)
            self.setContentViewController(viewController: vc, animated: true,blurTransition: true)

    //Here you can add a header to the menu view
    var menuHeaderView: UIView?{
        return nil

    //Here you can add a footer to the menu view
    var menuFooterView: UIView?{
        return nil


Personalize the menu on the awakeFromNib().

    //change the menu background

    //add a background effet on the menu
     self.addBlurToBackground = true
    //The blur effect style of menu and transition
    self.blurEffect : UIVisualEffect! = //Your desire effect
    self.backgroundBlurEffect : UIVisualEffect! = //Your desire effect