PKLoader 0.1.2

PKLoader 0.1.2

Maintained by Pramod Kumar.

PKLoader 0.1.2


CocoaPods codebeat badge

A Swift based helper class that will provide the loader for your application, on a view or on the window.



  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 9.4


For manual instalation, drag Source folder into your project.

or use CocoaPod adding this line to you Podfile:

pod 'PKLoader'


For Start Loading

  1. Just call startAnimating() method with shared instance of PKLoader


//If you want to show the loader on window/full screen, Use:

//If you want to convert any UIView, UIButton, UILabel etc. in to loader, Use:
PKLoader.shared.startAnimating(onView: <instance_of_your_view>)

For Stop Loading

  1. Just call stopAnimating() method with shared instance of PKLoader



Configuration To Chnage Animation

To change the default configuration of the loader just change the values of PKLoaderSettings, Like:

Important Property:

  1. indicatorType used to decide the loader animation type. Default: PKLoader.IndicatorType.ballRotateChase

Properties Only Useful in Case of Full Screen Loader

  1. backgroundSize used to give the size for the background view. Default: CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 100.0)

  2. backgroundColor used to give the background color for the background view. Default: UIColor.white

  3. cornerRadius used to give the corner radius for the background view. Default: 10.0

  4. indicatorSize used to give the default size for the indicator animation. Default: CGSize(width: 20.0, height: 20.0)

  5. indicatorColor used to give the color for the indicator animation. Default: UIColor.gray

Properties Useful in Both Case

  1. indicatorPadding used to give the padding for the indicator animation. Default: UIEdgeInsets(top: 5.0, left: 5.0, bottom: 5.0, right: 5.0)

  2. shouldMakeRound decides weather make the passed view circular or not. Default: true


PKLoader is released under the MIT license.