PKCountryPicker 0.0.4

PKCountryPicker 0.0.4

Maintained by Pramod Kumar.


CocoaPods codebeat badge

A Swift based helper class that will provide all the countries in the word with their basic information like flag, county name, country code, ISO code, NSN limits and much more.



  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 9.4


For manual instalation, drag Source folder into your project.

or use CocoaPod adding this line to you Podfile:

pod 'PKCountryPicker'


For Start Loading

  1. Just call chooseCountry() method with default instance of PKCountryPicker.


PKCountryPicker.default.chooseCountry(onViewController: self) { (selectedCountry) in
print("selected country data: \(selectedCountry)")

Configuration To Change Settings

To change the default configuration of the picker just change the values of PKCountryPickerSettings, Like:

Important Property:

  1. shouldAddPlusInCountryCode used to decide to use the "+" sign in front of country code. Default: true

  2. toolbarHeight used to give the height of tool bar. Default: 45.0

  3. pickerSize used to give the size for the picker view. Default: CGSize(width: <same to screen width>, height: 240.0)

  4. rowHeight used to give the height of the each row in picker view. Default: 45.0

  5. appearance used to decide the appearance of the picker view. Default: PKCountryPicker.Appearance.light

  6. countryNameFont used to set the font of country name text. Default: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15.0)

  7. countryNameColor used to set the color of country name text. Default:

  8. countryCodeFont used to set the font of country code text. Default: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15.0)

  9. countryCodeColor used to set the color of country code text. Default:


PKCountryPicker is released under the MIT license.