PEAppTransaction-Logger 1.0.1

PEAppTransaction-Logger 1.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2015

Maintained by Paul Evans.

Depends on:
FMDB~> 2.5
PEObjc-Commons~> 1.0.1
PEHateoas-Client~> 1.0.1
CocoaLumberjack~> 1.9

  • By
  • Paul Evans

An iOS static library client for the PEAppTransaction Logging Framework.

PEAppTransaction Logging Framework

The PEAppTransaction Logging Framework is a framework for capturing important events within your applications. It is comprised of 3 main components: (1) the data store, (2) the web service layer and (3) client libraries.

This repository, PEAppTransaction-Logger, represents an iOS client library to the framework.


The motivation behind the creation of the PEAppTransaction logging framework is simple: to systematically track important events about the goings-on within an application (an end-user application or otherwise). You can use the framework to record information about your application, such as:

  • How long a user takes to fill-out a form.
  • What the round-trip time is for making web service calls.
  • How often a user leaves a screen in your app without fulfilling the call-to-action.

The set of use cases for which to use the framework to log metadata is open-ended. You can use it for basic A/B testing, tracking performance-related metrics and many more.

About PEAppTransaction-Logger

PEAppTransaction-Logger is an iOS static library to serve as a client to the PEAppTransaction Logging Framework. PEAppTransaction-Logger enables you to create and locally save transaction and transaction log instances; a transaction is used to track events associated with use cases within your application; transaction logs are used to track particular timestamped events about individual use cases.

These transaction and transaction logs are stored locally in a SQLite database, and are meant to be persisted to the remote data store (for later analysis). The remote data store is intended to be fronted by a web service layer.

The PEAppTransaction-DataStore repository houses a Datomic based schema for the data store.

The PEAppTransaction-ServerResources repository houses a web service layer implementation written in Clojure and leverages the Liberator framework.

Usage Guide

There are 3 primary abstractions associated with the PEAppTransaction logging framework exposed by its client libraries: (1) transactions, (2) transaction logs and (3) the transaction manager.

A transaction is a container meant to track information about an application use case. A use case could be anything; it's up to you. For example, a use case might be logging in to the app. Or creating an account or submitting an order. When a use case is initiated in your app (usually by a user), you would first create an appropriate transaction instance. But before you can create transaction instances, you first need to create a transaction manager. You should only have 1 transaction manager for your application, so it's recommended that you create the instance in your app delegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: function.

As mentioned above, PEAppTransaction-Logger is an iOS static library client within the PEAppTransaction Logging Framework. The framework assumes there is a web service fronting the backend data store. An instance of TLTransactionManager is used to flush locally-stored transaction / transaction log items to the remote store via the web service.

PEAppTransaction-Logger leverages PEHateoas-Client to interact with the web service. In order to create a TLTransactionManager instance, we first need to create an HCRelationExecutor instance:

// Needed by TLTransactionManager instance for interacting with web service
HCRelationExecutor *relExec =
  [[HCRelationExecutor alloc] initWithDefaultAcceptCharset:[HCCharset UTF8]
                                 defaultContentTypeCharset:[HCCharset UTF8]

NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
// URL of local folder to contain SQLite data file
NSURL *sqliteDataFileFolderUrl = [fileMgr URLForDirectory:NSLibraryDirectory
// URL of SQLite data file
NSURL *sqliteDataFileUrl =
  [sqliteDataFileFolderUrl URLByAppendingPathComponent:@""];

// Finally we create the transaction manager instance
TLTransactionManager *txnMgr =
  [[TLTransactionManager alloc] initWithDataFilePath:[sqliteDataFileUrl absoluteString]
                                 userAgentDeviceMake:[PEUtils deviceMake] // from PEObjc-Commons
                                   userAgentDeviceOS:[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemName]
                            userAgentDeviceOSVersion:[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]
                                  contentTypeCharset:[HCCharset UTF8]
                                               error:nil]; // provide non-nil err handler in 'real' code

// Set the URI of the remote 'transactions' REST resource.  How you get this
// is dependent on your application.
NSURL *txnStoreResourceUri = ...;
[txnMgr setTxnStoreResourceUri:txnStoreResourceUri];

// Authentication token used when invoking web service layer (application
// dependent)
NSString *authToken = ...;
[txnMgr setAuthToken:authToken];

With the transaction manager instance in hand, we are now ready to start logging things. Lets assume you have an application that requires a user to log in, and that you consider, for transaction logging purposes, logging in to be a use case that you want to track events against using PEAppTransaction logging framework. Assume you have a view controller for the login screen. In the view controller's viewDidLoad function would be a good place to create a TLTransaction instance to track events against the logging in use case.

But before we do this, quick sidebar: transaction use cases as modeled in the PEAppTransaction logging framework are represented by simple integer values. So for example our logging in use case may have the number 0 associated with it. Our creating an account use case may have the number 1 associated with it, etc. The framework also uses numbers to represent individual events that can be recorded against a use case (transaction). To keep your code organized, it's recommeded to create a .h file to centrally define your transaction and transaction event use case numbers. Assume we have a .h file like so:

// Define use case values
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PEAppTxnUsecase) {

// Define use case event values
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PETxnLoginUsecaseEvent) {
  PETxnLoginEvtRemoteProcStarted,        // recorded server-side
  PETxnLoginEvtRemoteProcDoneErrOccured, // recorded server-side
  PETxnLoginEvtRemoteProcDoneInvalid,    // recorded server-side
  PETxnLoginEvtRemoteProcDoneSuccess,    // recorded server-side


Now in your login controller's viewDidLoad function, create a transaction instance, and create a log representing the event that the user has initiated the logging in use case:

// error handling block
TLDaoErrorBlk errorBlk = ^(NSError *err, int errCode, NSString *errDesc) {
  NSLog(@"Error attempting to persist txn log to local SQLite store: %@", err);

// Creating the transaction instance for our 'logging in' use case
TLTransaction *loggingInTxn = [_txnMgr transactionWithUsecase:@(PEAppTxnLogin)];

// Log the fact the user has initiated the act of logging in.
[loggingInTxn logWithUsecaseEvent:@(PETxnLoginEvtInitiated) error:errorBlk];

If the user somehow cancels their attempt at logging in (by tapping a 'back' button or 'cancel' button or whatever), you can log that too:

// Log the fact the user has canceled logging in
[loggingInTxn logWithUsecaseEvent:@(PETxnLoginEvtCanceled) error:errorBlk];

When the user taps the button to log in, right before your view controller makes the (presumably) web service call to your authentication service, you write a log:

// Log the fact that your app initiated the web service call to log in the user
[loggingInTxn logWithUsecaseEvent:@(PETxnLoginEvtRemoteCommReqInitiated) error:errorBlk];

And in the completion handler or callback of your web service call, you can log that you got the response:

// Log the fact that the 'log in' web service response was received.
[loggingInTxn logWithUsecaseEvent:@(PETxnLoginEvtRemoteCommRespReceived) error:errorBlk];

Each log that is written is timestamped, and each log instance is tied to its transaction instance (in the code above, our loggingInTxn instance). And each transaction instance is identified by a GUID string.

FYI, take another look at the .h file we defined above containing our use case and use case event integer values. Notice how some of the use case event values are commented as being // recorded server-side. With the framework, it is assumed that server-side code can contribute log data for a particular transaction instance. To accomplish this, in our example above, the web service call made to authenticate the user can include a custom HTTP header containing the GUID of the transaction instance. In this way, the server-side code implementing the authentication-check of the user, can log the fact it RECEIVED the inbound web service request, and can log other use case events; it can do this because it has the GUID of the containing transaction.

For what it's worth, if you are also using PEHateoas-Client in your application to integrate with your own web services, the various doXXX functions contain a otherHeaders:(NSDictionary *)otherHeaders part that is a good place to attach such custom request headers.

Flushing Locally-Stored Transaction Data to Remote Data Store

Both transaction and transaction log instances accumulate in your application's SQLite database as users use your app. In order for the transaction log data to be of any value, it needs to be shipped to your server for later (actionable) analysis. TLTransactionManager comes with 2 functions to perform this job:

  • synchronousFlushTxnsToRemoteStoreWithRemoteStoreBusyBlock:
  • asynchronousFlushTxnsToRemoteStore:

asynchronousFlushTxnsToRemoteStore: is the recommended function since it performs the remote flush on a background thread. It accepts an NSTimer * instance so it's ready to be invoked by a timer. If the remote store fronting web service responds with a 2XX, then the transaction log data is deleted from the local SQLite database.

The PEAppTransaction logging framework stipulates that clients need only (HTTP) POST transction log data sets to the remote store fronting web service. If you choose to implement your own fronting web service (as opposed to leveraging PEAppTransaction-ServerResources) here's what you need to know:

Format of JSON Request Bodies for HTTP POST Flush Calls

Here is an example message that contains a single transaction instance, with 2 child transaction log instances.

{"apptxns" : [
    {"apptxn/usecase" : 17,
     "apptxn/user-agent-device-os-version" : "8.1.2",
     "apptxn/id" : "TXN17-586AB00B-F16E-4AE6-8A91-0210264925C7",
     "apptxn/user-agent-device-make" : "iPhone7,2",
     "apptxn/user-agent-device-os" : "iPhone OS",
     "apptxn/logs" : [
         {"apptxnlog/usecase-event" : 0,
          "apptxnlog/in-ctx-err-code" : null,
          "apptxnlog/timestamp" : "Fri, 06 Feb 2015 00:59:27 EST"},
         {"apptxnlog/usecase-event" : 1,
          "apptxnlog/in-ctx-err-code" : null,
          "apptxnlog/timestamp" : "Fri, 06 Feb 2015 01:23:05 EST"}

The Content-Type header of the POST request will be something like: application/vnd.peapptxnlog.apptxnset-v0.0.1+json;charset=UTF-8

The version part (the 0.0.1 bit) is based on the apptxnResMtVersion: part of TLTransactionManager's initializer that you provide. The character set part (the UTF-8) is based on the contentTypeCharset: part of TLTransactionManager's initializer that you provide.