P9MediaManager 1.1.4

P9MediaManager 1.1.4

Maintained by Tae Hyun Na.

  • By
  • Tae Hyun Na


Media managing library to handling play and manage resources easily, based on AVFoundation.


You can download the latest framework files from our Release page. P9MediaManager also available through CocoaPods. To install it simply add the following line to your Podfile. pod ‘P9MediaManager’


There is no need setup to use P9MediaManager. :) If you using Objective-C then, import generated header for Swift interface like -Swift.h as usually do.


There is two way to play media by P9MediaManager that using P9MediaView and UIImageView.

Using P9MediaView,

declare P9MediaView somewhere you want(also can use on XIB by setting custom class).

let playView = P9MediaView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 640, height: 480))
@IBOutlet weak var playView: P9MediaView!

Set player by resource url and key, and place to playView.

let myResourceUrl = URL(string: "https://sample-videos.com/video123/mp4/480/big_buck_bunny_480p_10mb.mp4")!
let myResourceKey = "MyUniqueResourceKeyToHandlingGivenResourceUrl"

if P9MediaManager.shared.setPlayer(resourceUrl: myResourceUrl, force: false, forKey: myResourceKey) == true {
    P9MediaManager.shared.placePlayer(forKey: myResourceKey, toView: playView, mute: false, loop: false, autoPlayWhenReadyFlag: true)

If you don't need display video, you can just call play without place player.

if P9MediaManager.shared.setPlayer(resourceUrl: myResourceUrl, force: false, forKey: myResourceKey) == true {
    P9MediaManager.shared.playPlayerWhenReady(loop:false, forKey: myResourceKey)

P9MediaManager support UIImageView extension. So, you can play media resource simply by setting only resource url and you don't need to care resource of it, like using UIImage on UIImageView.

imageView.p9MediaPlay(resourceUrl: myResourceUrl, mute: true, loop: true, autoPlayWhenReady: true, rewindIfPlaying: false)

You can also observe P9MediaManager event to deal with business logic.

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.p9MediaManagerNotificationHandler(notification:)), name: .P9MediaManager, object: nil)
@objc func p9MediaManagerNotificationHandler(notification:Notification) {

    guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo, let key = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationKey] as? String, let event = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationEvent] as? P9MediaManagerEvent else {

    switch event {
    case standby, standbyAgain, standbyAlready:
        print("standby \(key).")
        let resourceUrl = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationResourceUrlString] as? String ?? ""
    case .place, .placeAgain, .placeAlready:
        print("place \(key).")
    case .displace:
        print("displace \(key).")
    case .fail:
        print("fail \(key).")
    case .readyToPlay:
        print("ready to play \(key).")
        let haveVideoTrack = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationHaveVideoTrack] as? Bool ?? false
        let haveAudioTrack = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationHaveAudioTrack] as? Bool ?? false
        let currentSeconds = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationCurrentSeconds] as? Int64 ?? 0
        let amountSeconds = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationAmountSeconds] as? Int64 ?? 0
    case .play:
        print("play \(key).")
    case .playing, .seek:
        print("playing \(key).")
        let currentSeconds = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationCurrentSeconds] as? Int64 ?? 0
        let amountSeconds = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationAmountSeconds] as? Int64 ?? 0
    case .pause:
        print("pause \(key).")
    case .mute:
        print("mute \(key).")
        let mute = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationMute] as? Bool ?? false
    case .volumn:
        print("volumn \(key).")
        let volumn = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationVolumn] as? Float ?? 0
    case .buffering:
        print("buffering \(key).")
        let availableSeconds = userInfo[P9MediaManagerNotificationAvailableSeconds] as? Int64 ?? 0
    case .pending:
        print("pending \(key).")
    case .playToEnd, .playToEndAndWillRewind:
        print("play to end \(key).")


Here are control functions you can use.

// play player for given key.
func playPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Bool

// pause player for given key.
func pausePlayer(forKey key:String) -> Bool

// pause all players.
func pauseAllPlayers()

// pause all players except player for given key.
func pauseAllPlayersExceptOne(forKey remainKey:String)

// set display or not closed caption of player for given key.
func setClosedCaptionDisplay(enabled:Bool, forKey key:String) -> Bool

// get subtitle names of player for given key.
func subtitleDisplayNamesOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> [String]?

// select subtitle of player for given key by display name.
func selectSubtitle(byDisplayName displayName:String?, forKey key:String) -> Bool

// get current seek time of player for given key.
func seekTimeOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Int64

// set seek time of player for given key by time value and scale.
func setSeekTimeOfPlayer(seekTimeValue:Int64, seekTimeScale:Int32=1, forKey key:String) -> Bool

// set seek time of player for given key by time rate.
func setSeekTimeOfPlayer(rate:Float, forKey key:String) -> Bool

// get mute status of player for given key.
func isMutedPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Bool

// set mute sttuse of player for given key.
func setMutePlayer(mute:Bool, forKey key:String) -> Bool

// get volume value of player for given key.
func volumeOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Float

// set volume value of player for given key.
func setVolumeOfPlayer(volume:Float, forKey key:String) -> Bool

// get playing rate of player for given key.
func playRateOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Float

// set playing rate of player for given key.
func setPlayRateOfPlayer(_ rate:Float, forKey key:String) -> Bool

// check the player ready for given key.
func havePlayer(forKey key:String) -> Bool

// get URL of player resource for given key.
func resourceUrlOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> URL?

// get tracking infomation data from player for given key.
func trackInfoOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> [String:Any]?

// check placing status of player for given key.
func isPlacedPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Bool

// check playing status of player for given key.
func isPlayingPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Bool

// get amount of seconds of player resource for given key.
func amountSecondsOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Int64

// get current second of player for given key.
func currentSecondsOfPlayer(forKey key:String) -> Int64

// get custom value of key you've setted to player for given key.
func customValue(forKey customKey:String, ofPlayerKey playerKey:String) -> Any?

// set custom value for key to player for given key.
func setCustom(value:Any, forKey customKey:String, ofPlayerKey playerKey:String) -> Bool

// remove custom value for key from player for given key.
func removeCustomValue(forKey customKey:String, ofPlayerKey playerKey:String) -> Bool


And, you can get snapshot image from media resource url, without making player.

P9MediaManager.shared.snapshotImage(ofResourceUrl: url, pickSecond: 2, useMemoryCache: true) { (resourceUrl, pickedSecond, snapshotImage) in
    self.imageView.image = snapshotImage

You can also get snapshot image of current frame from playing media.

if let snapshotImage = P9MediaManager.shared.snapshotPlayer(forKey: myResourceKey) {
    self.imageView.image = snapshotImage


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