OKit 1.0.4

OKit 1.0.4

Maintained by Oliver Klemenz.

OKit 1.0.4

  • By
  • Oliver Klemenz


Easy to use application framework for Swift, to create apps based on models and storyboards with (almost) no code.

Core Features:

  • Models and Entities
  • JSON storage (file, http)
  • Partials (partitions)
  • References
  • Complex Bindings
  • Invalidation
  • Data and Images (incl. inline)
  • Encryption
  • Application Shell
  • Slide-in menu
  • Settings
  • Face ID
  • Protection + Timeout
  • Theming (incl. dark theme)
  • Backups (secured)
  • Help Views
  • Re-use cells
  • Auto-key generation

Core Technologies:

  • Storyboard: Application flow is designed with storyboards using model controllers and model controls
  • Model: Models are named data object and inherit from Model
  • Model Entity: Model entities are part of a model and inherit from ModelEntity
  • Codable: Models and model entities are automatically (de)serialized using Codable protocol
  • Context: Models and model entities can be used as context in model controllers and model controls
  • Binding: Model controller and model control properties can be bound to model binding paths
  • KVC: Key value coding is used to update model objects using @objc annotation
  • Controller: Model controllers are enabled for bindings and inherit from ModelListTableController, ModelDetailTableController or subclasses
  • Control: Model controls and model cells are enabled for bindings, where latter inherits from ModelTableCell or subclasses
  • Inspectable: Model controllers and model control are extended with @IBInspectable properties, maintainable in Interface Builder


Installation: CocoaPods

OKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, add the following lines to your Podfile:

  pod 'OKit'

Reference Example: Bookshop

The full-fledged OKit example project Bookshop is available, showcasing every feature of the OKit framework.

OKit Demo Bookshop


Model Definition

The model definition is based on Swift classes, inheriting from Model, possibly including nested entities inheriting from ModelEntity. Model implicitly is also a (root) Model Entity and inherits all binding functionality.

The following Model types exists:

  • Model: Model is read/stored as JSON to filesystem into okit/data folder of document directory using model name with .json extension
  • ModelTransient: Model is not read/stored (therefore handled transiently)
  • ModelEncrypted: Model is read/stored as encrypted binary to filesystem into okit/data folder of document directory using model name with .json extension
  • ModelHttp: Model is read/stored as JSON via HTTP to configured endpoint (endpoint URL can be configured in Info.plist with key OKitModelEndpointUrl)
  • ModelEncryptedHttp: Model is read/stored as encrypted binary via HTTP to configured endpoint (endpoint URL can be configured in Info.plist with key OKitModelEndpointUrl)


class Shop: Model, Codable {
    var id: String!
    var books: [Book] = []

class Book: ModelEntity, Codable {
    var id: String!
    var name: String = ""
    var date: Date = Date()
    var marked: Bool = false
    var icon: ModelImage?
    var authors: [Author] = []

class Author: ModelEntity, Codable {
    var id: String!
    var name: String = "<New Author>"


  • @objc keyword shall be used, in order to allow dynamic instantiation and key-value-observing (KVO) by model controllers in Swift to support binding.
  • Models and model entities that shall be de(serialized) to JSON must conform to Codable protocol
  • Automatic JSON de(serialization) with Codable protocol does not work for inherited properties and need to be handled manually using Encoder and Decoder protocols
  • Property var id: String! is filled automatically with a UUID by framework, and is mandatory for supporting references to the model entities

Model Registration

A model can be registered with the Model class and an optional name:

Model.initialize(window, secure: true) {
    self.shop = Model.register(Shop.self)
    self.catalog = Model.register(Catalog.self, "catalog")

If name is omitted, the model is registered as default model with the implicit name default. The registration shall be done in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions of AppDelegate. Model instances can be stored in the application context for later access.

Store Model

A model can be stored calling Model.store(...) on the model instance:


Define Model State

In order to update all models together within a state, the following is registered:

Model.state() {

The state definition shall be done in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions of AppDelegate. This supports switching between encrypted/non-encrypted persistence and enables backup/import functionality.

Store Model State

The models state can be stored with:


Storing can be done e.g. in applicationDidEnterBackground of AppDelegate.

Restore Model State

The models state can be restored with:


Storing can be done e.g. in applicationWillEnterForeground of AppDelegate.

Model Entity

Model entities define the properties and corresponding types to be stored. Model entities conformable to Codable are serialized to and deserialized from JSON.
Model entities can again recursively contain array, map, set or single references of model entities again. Binding is supported for model entities to controllers and controls.

Model Binding

UI controllers and UI controls can be bound to model entities (context) using the following binding definitions:

Type Syntax Example Description
Constant # #true Constants of type String, Bool, Int, Float, Double (cannot be combined with other types)
Localized Constant % %xyz Constants of type String interpreted as localized string key
Model > xyz> Identifies model name, if omitted default model is used
Path / x/y Separates path segments
Absolute / /x/y/z Processing starts from model root (ignoring current context)
Relative / x/y/z Processed relatively to the current context
Self . /./ Stays on current context
Parent .. /../ Traverses parent relation relatively to current context
Root < or ~ /~/ Traverses to root relation (model) from current context
Bool Negation ! !/xy Negates value of binding in context of Boolean retrieval (only at front of binding allowed)
Reference $ $xyz Identifies a reference context, i.e. the string value behind, is used to look up target context (model entity) using ref() function
Function fn() xyz() Execute function on current context
Function with Parameter fn(...) xyz(/a/b) Executes function on current context with parameter binding
Index [] xy[0]/z Access current array context by index
KeyPath .@ a.b.c@avg.d Executes KeyPath expression on current context according to Swift language
Multiple , x/y,/a/b Executes multiple bindings separated by comma ','. Use getAll() in code to fetch array of binding results

A complex binding example looks as follows:


To use special binding characters in a text string, those characters could be escaped by using the unicode representation. E.g. a comma is represented by \u{002c}.

Extension Function Binding

Functions and properties of core data types (e.g. Number, String, Date...) can be accessed within a binding:


  • authors.@count/suffixPlural(#entry): The number returned by @count is suffixed by a translatable and pluralized string.
  • %Price: ,price/round2, %EUR: Multiple part binding adding the currency to the price value
  • name/initial: String extension to return the first character of name
  • date/formatRelativeDate: Date extension to format the date as relative date

Any Swift/Obj-C type can be extended with additional function and properties, and be used in binding expressions.

Model Entity Invalidation

Updating a model entity by binding or respective get, set, call functions programatically, triggers an invalidation mechanism (unless suppressInvalidate is specified). The invalidation notifies all bound controllers and controls for updating their content.

Model Entity Reuse

  • ModelRef: Reuse model entity for storing entity references
  • ModelData: Reuse model entity for storing arbitrary binary data. Data is stored separately according to model type (file, http, encrypted, transient) and read lazily
  • ModelImage: Reuse model entity for storing model images. Image data is stored separately according to model type (file, http, encrypted, transient) and read lazily
  • ModelInlineData: Reuse model entity for storing abitrary data. Data is stored inline into model entity JSON data
  • ModelInlineImage: Reuse model entity for storing model images. Image data is stored inline into model entity JSON data
  • ModelSettings: Reuse model entity for storing application model settings (e.g. theme, encryption, protection, ...)

Model Entity References

A model entity can be referenced, by using model entity library ModelRef.


class Book: ModelEntity, Codable {

    var id: String!
    var name: String = ""
    var author: ModelRef = ModelRef()

Model entity Book references the model entity Author by its key (ID). Author is therefore not stored as composition, but only the reference key is stored as foreign key in Book. Both entities must be in the same model entity partial (see next section) in order be able to resolve the reference lazily via property book.author.ref.

Model Entity Partials

A model partitioning (partials) can be established by inheriting from ModelPartial and by implementing the sync and store functions.


class GroupDefer: ModelPartial, Codable {
    var id: String!
    var name: String = "" {
        didSet {
            group?.name = name
    var group: Group? {
        get {
            return try? retrieve(Group.self)
        set {

    override func sync(entity: ModelEntity) {
        name = (entity as! Group).name

    override func store() {
        try? store(group)

class Group: ModelEntity, Codable {
    var id: String!
    var name: String = ""

Entity Group is resolved lazily within partial GroupDefer by reading/storing from a different URL. Function sync and didSet can be used to two-way sync properties available in both entities (e.g. name). Function store is called to store the partition data.

Model Entity Lifecycle Hooks

Managed Hook

Callback function managed can be overridden to implement lifecycle hook, when model entity is part of a context, i.e. parent entity or collection property of parent entity.

open dynamic func managed(_ context: Any? = nil) {
    // ...

Context can be the parent entity or a collection of the parent entity.

Unmanaged Hook

Callback function unmanaged can be overridden to implement lifecycle hook, when model entity is removed from a context.

open dynamic func unmanaged(_ context: Any? = nil) {
    // ...

Context can be the parent entity or a collection of the parent entity.


User-Interfaces are built with storyboards, using standard View Controllers and Table View Controller by setting the following model classes as custom class:

  • ModelListTableController: Represents a list controller of model entities
  • ModelDetailTableController: Represents the details controller of a model entity
  • ModelSelectionTableController: Displays a selection list controller for selecting single or multiple model entities
  • ModelApplicationController: Represents the application environment for slide-in menu and protection support
  • ModelMenuTableController: Represents the menu controller visible in the slide-in menu container
  • ModelSettingsTableController: Represents the settings controller, to show model settings
  • ModelBackupTableController: Represents the backup controller, to create and import backups
  • ModelSecureBackupTableController: Represents the secure backup controller, to create and import secure backups

Model controllers have @IBInspectable properties defined, that are interpreted by Interface Builder to enhance the Attributes Inspector side pane.

Model controllers can inherit from ModelBaseTableController to get common binding functionality. Of course, each model controller can be further sub-classed for more use-case specific functionality.

Even usage of storyboards are recommended, UIs can also be built programmatically using the model controllers directly in code.

Storyboard Identifiers

Model Cell

Always use cell identifier model for dynamic prototype cells using model classes in storyboard.

Model Segue

Always use segue identifier model for segue between model table and model detail table in storyboard.

<abstract> Model Base Table

The model base table controller contains binding logic, etc., common to all model controllers.

The following @IBInspectable properties exist on the model table ModelBaseTableController:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
contextPath Context path for bindings  Yes Controller ModelEntity
promptPath Binding path to navigation prompt  Yes Navigation Item String
titlePath Binding path to navigation title  Yes Navigation Item (Attributed)String
titleTap Binding path to navigation title tap  Yes Navigation Item Function
titleCount Binding path to navigation title count number  Yes Navigation Item Int
subTitlePath Binding path to navigation sub-title  Yes Navigation Item (Attributed)String
subTitleObject Binding path to navigation sub-title object name  Yes Navigation Item String
subTitleObjectPlural Binding path to navigation sub-title object plural name  Yes Navigation Item String
subTitleSwap Binding path to flag, specifying if title and sub-title are swapped  Yes Navigation Item Bool  #false
edit Binding path to flag, controlling edit button visibility  Yes Navigation Bar Bool  #true
editEnabled Binding path to flag, controlling table row editing support  Yes Table Row Bool  #true
editInherit Binding path to flag, specifying if editing state is inherited from preceding controller  Yes Controller Bool  #false
editAlways Binding path to flag, specifying if editing state is always enabled  Yes Controller Bool  #false
help Binding path to flag, controlling the help button visibility  Yes Navigation Bar Bool  #true
forceUpdate Binding path to flag, specifying if table is updated on invalidation, although modification was triggered from this controller  Yes Controller Bool  #true

Model List Table

The model list table controller ModelListTableController displays a list of model entities in a table view controller.

The following @IBInspectable properties exist on the model table ModelListTableController:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
type Binding path to list type  No Controller String
typeName Binding path to list type name  No Controller String
dataPath Binding path to table data  Yes Table Array<ModelEntity>, Set<ModelEntity>
rowSort Binding path to property, table data is sorted by Yes Table String
rowSortAsc Binding path to flag, specifying if data is sorted ascending Yes Table Bool  #true
group Binding path to property, table data is grouped by Yes Table String
groupName Binding path to a property representing a readable name for the group property Yes Table String
groupSort Binding path to a flag, specifying if the groups are sorted Yes Table Bool  #true
groupSortAsc Binding path to a flag, specifying if the groups are sorted ascending Yes Table Bool  #true
reorder  Binding path to a flag, specifying if reordering is allowed for table Yes Table String  #false
reorderEnabled  Binding path to a flag, specifying if reordering is allowed for a table row Yes Table Row String  #true
tap Binding path to row tap  Yes Table Row Function
tapEdit Binding path to row tap in edit mode  Yes Table Row Function
selectPath Binding path to multiple selection event during editing  Yes Table Row Function
refresh Binding path to flag, controlling visibility of refresh control  Yes Table Bool  #true
search Binding path to flag, controlling visibility of search bar  Yes Search Bar Bool  #true
searchPath Binding path to property used for searching in entity  Yes Search Bar String  description
searchFilterPath Binding path to property used for filtering in entity  Yes Search Bar String  
searchFilters Multipart binding path to search bar scope buttons  Yes Search Bar String
index Binding path to flag, controlling visibility of A-Z index  Yes Table Bool  #false
add Binding path to flag, controlling visibility of add button  Yes Navigation Bar Bool  #true
addAppend Binding path to flag, specifying if new entries are appended or inserted at top  Yes Navigation Bar Bool  #false
addName If non-empty, it enables a "new entry" dialog, where the property specifies the text field label  No Controller String
addNav Binding path to flag, specifying if detail navigation to newly created entity is triggered  Yes Controller Bool  #false
navEnabled Binding path to flag, specifying if navigation is allowed for table row  Yes Table Row Bool  #true
delete Binding path to flag, specifying if row deletion is allowed for table  Yes Table Bool  #true
deleteEnabled Binding path to flag, specifying if row deletion is allowed for table row  Yes Table Row Bool  #true
deletePrompt Binding path to flag, controlling visibility of a delete prompt dialog  Yes Controller Bool  #true
more Binding path to flag, specifying if more button in row is available for table  Yes Table Bool  #false
moreEnabled Binding path to flag, specifying if more button in row is available for table row  Yes Table Row Bool  #true
moreTap Binding path to more button tap  Yes Table Row Function
moreActions Multipart binding path to more action-sheet action names  Yes Action Sheet String
moreActionsEnabled Multipart binding path to more action-sheet actions enablement  Yes Action Sheet Bool
moreActionsTap Multipart binding path to more action sheet actions tap  Yes Action Sheet Function
quickName Binding path to quick action name  Yes Table String
quickImage Binding path to quick action image  Yes Table UIImage
quickEnabled Binding path to flag, specifying if quick action is enabled for table row  Yes Table Row Bool  #true
quickTap Binding path to quick button tap  Yes Table Row Function
autoDeselect Binding path to flag, specifying if row is auto deselected after tap  Yes Table Row Bool #true
forceListUpdate Binding path to flag, specifying if list table is updated on invalidation, although modification was triggered from this controller  Yes Controller Bool  #false
activityTop Binding path to activity indicator top margin value  Yes Table Float  #20.0
activity Binding path to activity indicator visibility  Yes Table Bool  #false

Model Detail Table

The model detail table controller ModelDetailTableController displays details of one model entity in a table view controller.

The following @IBInspectable properties exist on the model table ModelDetailTableController:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
sectionHeaders Multipart binding path to section headers  Yes Table String  
sectionFooters Multipart binding path to section footers  Yes Table String
tap Binding path to row tap  Yes Table Row Function
tapEdit Binding path to row tap in edit mode  Yes Table Row Function
accyTap Binding path to accessory tap  Yes Table Row Function
accyEditTap Binding path to accessory tap in edit mode  Yes Table Row Function
autoDeselect Binding path to flag, specifying if row is auto deselected after tap  Yes Table Row Bool #true
sectionsShowDisplay Multipart binding path to flags, controlling section visibility  Yes Table Bool
sectionsShowEdit Multipart binding path to flags, controlling section visibility in edit mode  Yes Table Bool

Model Selection Table (Model List Table)

The model selection table controller ModelSelectionTableController displays a list of model entities for selecting a single or multiple model entities in a table view controller.

The following @IBInspectable properties exist on the model table ModelSelectionTableController:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
refType Binding path to selection reference type  No Controller String
refTypeName Binding path to selection reference type name  No Controller String
selectionContextPath Binding path to selection context  Yes Controller ModelEntity
selectionPath Binding path to selection references in selection context  Yes Controller ModelRef, Array<ModelRef>, Set<ModelRef>
selectAppend Binding path to flag, specifying if selection references are appended or inserted at top  Yes Controller Bool #false
unique Binding path to flag, specifying if same entity can be selected multiple times  Yes Controller Bool #true
unselect Binding path to flag, specifying if selecting an already selected entity does unselect it  Yes Controller Bool #true
clear Binding path to flag, specifying if clear button is available  Yes Navigation Bar Bool #true
close Binding path to flag, specifying if close button is available  Yes Navigation Bar Bool #true
autoClose Binding path to flag, specifying if selection does auto-close selection table  Yes Controller Bool #false

Model Application

The model application controller ModelApplicationController displays the application environment including content and slide-in menu area. It shows the model menu table and controls content display based on storyboard identifier.

The following @IBInspectable properties exist on the model table ModelApplicationController:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
storyboardName Default storyboard name  No Controller String Main
menuIdentifier Storyboard controller identifier for menu  No Controller String menu
homeIdentifier Storyboard controller identifier for home/default content  No Controller String home
popGesture Flag to specify if interactive pop gesture is allowed on content controller  No Controller Bool false
contextPath Context path for bindings  Yes Controller ModelEntity
themeName Binding path to theme name  Yes Controller String
encryption Binding path to encryption flag  Yes Controller Bool #true
protection Binding path to protection flag  Yes Controller Bool #true
protectionTimeout Binding path to protection timeout (in minutes)  Yes Controller Int #5
protectionCover Binding path to protection cover visibility flag  Yes Controller Bool #true
protectionImage Binding path to protection cover image  Yes Controller UIImage
protectionText Binding path to protection cover text  Yes Controller String
menuHideStatusBar Binding path to flag, specifying if status bar is hidden when  Yes Controller String


Application can be protected by Face ID, if activated in the model settings. When protection is active a protection cover is shown, to hide sensitive application data below, when leaving the application. The protection timeout specified in minutes, if a re-authentication with Face ID is needed to suspend protection cover.

Model Menu Table (Model List Table)

The model menu table controller ModelMenuTableController displays the menu in the model application controller. It is used to show content via storyboard identifier, depending on the menu selection.

The following @IBInspectable properties exist on the model table ModelMenuTableController:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
storyboardName Default storyboard name  No Controller String Main
identifier Storyboard controller identifier for default target navigation  No Controller String
rowIdentifier Storyboard controller identifier for row accessory tap  No Cell String
hideMenu Flag to specify, if menu is closed after navigation  No Cell Bool true

Model Menu Bar Button Item

A UIBarButtonItem representing a menu button (incl. burger icon), that can be used out-of-the box.

Menu Settings Table (Model Detail Table)

The model settings table controller ModelSettingsTableController displays the model settings in the model application controller. Model detail table controller bindings against the ModelSettings entity shall use ModelSettingsTableController base class, as settings invalidation for theme, encryption, protection, etc. is then handled automatically.

Model Backup Table

The model backup table ModelBackupTableController displays a list of model backups. Furthermore, new backups can be created, or existing backups can be deleted. During backup all models are exported. Selecting a backup triggers the import of an existing backup, which overrides the current models after showing a confirmation popup.

Backups are stored in okit/backup folder of document directory.

Model Secure Backup Table

The model secure backup table ModelSecureBackupTableController enables a security popup, for entering the passcode for backup creation and backup import:

open func dataToBackup(sourceURL: URL, targetURL: URL, name: String, password: String) throws -> Bool

Function dataToBackup e.g. can be overridden in sub-class to create and copy a password-protected zip file.

open func backupToData(sourceURL: URL, targetURL: URL, name: String, password: String) throws -> Bool

Exports are temporarily stored in okit/export folder of document directory, to be further processed by backup logic. Function backupToData e.g. can be overridden in sub-class to extract password-protected zip file and copy to target.

Model Theming

A built-in theming concept is available. Central class is ModelTheme. There are two out-of-the box themes:

  • ModelTheme.defaultTheme: iOS default theme
  • ModelTheme.darkTheme: A default dark theme provided by framework

Custom Theme

Own custom themes can be created and registered in the ModelTheme class with function:

public static func register(theme: ModelTheme, name: String)

Themes can be set at the model application using model binding or by explicitly using func applyTheme(_ theme: ModelTheme?).

Model Controls

<abstract> Model View

Abstract base class for view-based controls, supporting model binding.

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
contextPath Context path for bindings Yes Control ModelEntity

Model Help View

A help view can be connected to IBOutlet helpView for list and detail model controller. It handles displaying of modal help view and discarding. Help view content can be statically modeled in storyboard or dynamically by sub-classing model help view.

Model Label

Bindable representation of an UILabel The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
contextPath Context path for bindings  Yes Label ModelEntity
textPath Binding path to label text  Yes Label (Attributed)String
showPath Binding path to label visibility  Yes Label Bool

Model Button

Bindable representation of an UIButton The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
contextPath Context path for bindings  Yes Button ModelEntity
iconPath Binding path to button icon  Yes Button UIImage
titlePath Binding path to button title  Yes Button String
tapPath Binding path to button tap  Yes Button Function
showPath Binding path to button visibility  Yes Button Bool
enabledPath Binding path to label enabled state  Yes Button Bool

Model Bar Button Item

Bindable representation of an UIBarButtonItem. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
contextPath Context path for bindings  Yes Bar Button Item ModelEntity
tapPath Binding path to tap  Yes Bar Button Item Function
enabledPath Binding path to enabled state  Yes Bar Button Item Bool

Model Menu Bar Button Item

A UIBarButtonItem representing a menu button (inc. burger icon), that can be used out-of-the box.

Model Cells

Table Cell

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
contextPath Context path for bindings  Yes Cell ModelEntity
path Binding path to text label text  Yes Text Label (Attributed)String
detailPath Binding path to detail text label text  Yes Detail Text Label (Attributed)String
imagePath Binding path to image view image  Yes Image View UIImage
ribbonColor Context path for cell ribbon color  Yes Cell Color
editPath Binding path to text label text in edit mode  Yes Text Label (Attributed)String
editDetailPath Binding path to detail text label text in edit mode  Yes Detail Text Label (Attributed)String
editImagePath Binding path to image view image in edit mode  Yes Image View UIImage
editRibbonColor Context path for cell ribbon color in edit mode  Yes Cell UIColor
accyPath Binding path to accessory type  Yes Cell Accessory Type AccessoryType, Int
accyIcon Binding path to accessory view button icon  Yes Cell Accessory View Button UIImage
accyText Binding path to accessory view button text  Yes Cell Accessory View Button String
accyTap Binding path to accessory view tap  Yes Cell Accessory View Function
accyShow Binding path to accessory view visibility  Yes Cell Accessory View Bool #true
accyEnabled Binding path to accessory view button enablement  Yes Cell Accessory View Button Bool #true
accyEditPath Binding path to accessory type in edit mode  Yes Cell Accessory Type AccessoryType, Int
accyEditIcon Binding path to accessory view button icon in edit mode  Yes Cell Accessory View Button UIImage
accyEditText Binding path to accessory view button text in edit mode  Yes Cell Accessory View Button String
accyEditTap Binding path to accessory view tap in edit mode  Yes Cell Accessory View Function
accyEditShow Binding path to accessory view visibility in edit mode  Yes Cell Accessory View Bool #true
accyEditEnabled Binding path to accessory view button enablement in edit mode  Yes Cell Accessory View Button Bool #true
heightDisplay Binding path to cell height  Yes Cell Float
heightEdit Binding path to cell height in edit mode  Yes Cell Float
heightSelect Binding path to cell height in select mode  Yes Cell Float
showDisplay Binding path to cell visibility  Yes Cell Bool #true
showEdit Binding path to cell visibility in edit mode  Yes Cell Bool #true
selectNextRow Binding path to next (positive) / previous (negative) cell index to delegate selection  Yes Cell Int
selectNextAccent Binding path to accent coloring during next row selection  Yes Cell Bool #true

<abstract> Edit Cell (Table Cell)

Bindable representation of an editable UITableViewCell. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
readOnly Binding to control read-only state  Yes Control Bool  #false
controlInDisplay Binding to show/hide control in display mode  Yes Control Bool #true

Switch Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UISwitch control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
onPath Binding path to switch isOn property  Yes Switch Bool

Text Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UITextField control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
textPath Binding path to text field text  Yes Text Field String
placeholder Binding path to text field placeholder  Yes Text Field String
secure Binding path to text field secure text entry  Yes Text Field Bool #false

Date Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UIDatePicker control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
datePath Binding path to date control date  Yes Date Picker Date
minDatePath Binding path to date control minimum date  Yes Date Picker Date
maxDatePath Binding path to date control maximum date  Yes Date Picker Date
modePath Binding path to date control mode  Yes Date Picker UIDatePicker.Mode, Int #2

Multiline Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UITextView control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
textPath Binding path to text view text  Yes Text View String
placeholder Binding path to text view placeholder  Yes Text View String

Segment Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UISegmentedControl control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
segmentsPath Multipart binding path to segments  Yes Segmented Control String
selectIndexPath Binding path to segment selection index  Yes Segmented Control Int
width Binding path to control width  Yes Segmented Control Float  #200

Picker Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UIPickerView control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
dataPath Binding path to picker data  Yes Picker View Array<ModelEntity>, Set<ModelEntity>
namePath Binding path to picker data row name property  Yes Picker View Row String
selectionPath Binding path to picker selection  Yes Picker View Int

Slider Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UISlider control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
valuePath Binding path to value  Yes Slider Float
minValuePath Binding path to minimum value  Yes Slider Float #0
maxValuePath Binding path to maximum value  Yes Slider Float #1
minImagePath Binding path to minimum value image  Yes Slider UIImage
maxImagePath Binding path to maximum value image  Yes Slider UIImage
width Binding path to control width  Yes Slider Float #150

Stepper Cell (Edit Cell)

Bindable representation of an UITableViewCell containing an UIStepper control. The following @IBInspectable properties exist:

Name Description Bindable Context Type  Default
valuePath Binding path to value  Yes Stepper Double
minValuePath Binding path to minimum value  Yes Stepper Double #0
maxValuePath Binding path to maximum value  Yes Stepper Double #100
stepValuePath Binding path to step value  Yes Stepper Double #1

Model Help View

A help view can be connected to IBOutlet helpView.

Model Inheritance

Any model entities, controllers and controller can be inherited and functions overridden to change default behavior, as most definitions are marked as open and public.