Notie 1.0.4

Notie 1.0.4

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Thi Doan, Thi Doan.

Notie 1.0.4

  • By
  • Doan Truong Thi


Undistracted in-app notification in Swift, with added buttons and input box.




Show a notification with Confirm style

let notie = Notie(view: self.view, message: "Are you sure you want to do that?", style: .Confirm)

notie.leftButtonAction = {
    // Add your left button action here

notie.rightButtonAction = {
    // Add your right button action here


The following parameters can be modified to customize the appearance of the notification.

  • style: The style of the notification. .Confirm style includes message view and two confirm buttons. .Input style adds an extra input text field. Default to .Confirm.

  • leftButtonAction: A block to call when the user taps on the left button.

  • rightButtonAction: A block to call when the user taps on the right button.

  • leftButtonTitle: The title of the left button. Default to OK.

  • rightButtonTitle: The title of the left button. Default to Cancel.

  • placeholder: The placeholder of the input text field. Default to nil.

  • animationDuration: How long the slide down animation should last.

  • messageBackgroundColor: The background color of the message view.

  • messageTextColor: The text color of the message view. Default to white color.

  • inputFieldBackgroundColor: The background color of the input text field. Default to white color.

  • inputFieldTextColor: The text color of the input text field. Default to dark gray.

  • leftButtonBackgroundColor: The background color of the left button.

  • leftButtonTextColor: The text color of the left button. Default to white color.

  • rightButtonBackgroundColor: The background color of the right button.

  • rightButtonTextColor: The text color of the right button. Default to white color.


iOS 9 or greater.


Notie is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.