NSStructMapper 1.0

NSStructMapper 1.0

Maintained by Salmaan Ahmed.


Version License Platform Swift 5 Country


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Step 1: Create identical classes

  // Same property names along with interchangeable data types between swift and objc

  // MARK: - Swift Address
  struct Address {
      var city: String?
      var zipCode: String?

  // MARK: - Swift Equivalent ObjC Address
  @objc class NSAddress: NSObject {
      var city: String?
      var zipCode: String?

Step 2: Conform your data models

  // Conform your swift structs with Mappable
  struct Contact: Mappable

  // Conform your NSObjects with NSMappable
  @objc class NSContact: NSObject, NSMappable

Step 3: Implement Methods

  // Conform your swift structs with Mappable
  struct Contact: Mappable {
    // Your properties
    // Write the following code in Mappable, result should be type of NSObject you want to convert in
    func nsObject() throws -> Storable {
        let result: NSContact = try conversionLogic()
        return result

  // Conform your NSObjects with NSMappable
  @objc class NSContact: NSObject, NSMappable {
    // Your properties
    // Write the following code in NSMappable, result should be type of SwiftObject you want to convert in
    func swiftObject() throws -> Mappable {
        let result: Contact = try conversionLogic()
        return result

Step 4: Enjoy

  // Convert your SwiftObject to NSObject
  let nsContact: NSContact = try! contact.nsObject() as! NSContact
  // Convert your NSObject to SwiftObject
  let sob: Contact = try! nsContact.swiftObject() as! Contact


NSStructMapper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'NSStructMapper'


[email protected]


NSStructMapper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.