TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | Obj-CObjective C |
License | Apache 2 |
ReleasedLast Release | Dec 2014 |
Maintained by Dalton Cherry.
Get some UIKit in your AppKit. Customizable controls and view improvements for OS X.
Makes NSView more like UIView with a couple of convenient methods added on (e.g. backgroundColor).
This missing UILabel from UIKit to AppKit. ACLabel is a port of UILabel that replicates the functionally UILabel provides.
The recommended approach for installing NSCustomizeKit is via the CocoaPods package manager, as it provides flexible dependency management and dead simple installation.
via CocoaPods
Install CocoaPods if not already available:
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
Change to the directory of your Xcode project, and Create and Edit your Podfile and add NSCustomizeKit:
$ cd /path/to/MyProject
$ touch Podfile
$ edit Podfile
platform :osx, '10.8'
pod 'NSCustomizeKit'
Install into your project:
$ pod install
Open your project in Xcode from the .xcworkspace file (not the usual project file)
Via git just add NSCustomizeKit as a git submodule
NSCustomizeKit requires at least Mac OSX 10.8 or above.
NSCustomizeKit is license under the Apache License.