NNPopObjc 1.0.7

NNPopObjc 1.0.7

Maintained by HaijunGu.

NNPopObjc 1.0.7


CI codecov GitHub release CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible Platform GitHub license

NNPopObjc is inspired by protocol oriented programming, it provides extensibility for the protocol.

NNPopObjc 中文文档


Quick Start

Declaring a Procotol

Declaring the Procotol in a .h file

@protocol NNDemoProtocol <NSObject>

- (void)sayHelloPop;
+ (void)sayHelloPop;


Extending the Procotol

Extending the Procotol needs in a .m file

///Extending the Procotol for default implemention.

+ (void)sayHelloPop {
    DLog(@"+[%@ %s] code say hello pop", self, sel_getName(_cmd));

- (void)sayHelloPop {
    DLog(@"-[%@ %s] code say hello pop", [self class], sel_getName(_cmd));


Adopting the Procotol

  • Creating a Class
@interface NNDemoObjc : NSObject <NNDemoNameProtocol>

  • Implementing the Class
@implementation NNDemoObjc


Using the Class

  • Calling the Methods
[NNDemoObjc sayHelloPop];
[[NNDemoObjc new] sayHelloPop];
  • Outputting
+[NNDemoObjc sayHelloPop] code say hello pop
-[NNDemoObjc sayHelloPop] code say hello pop


NNPopObjc supports multiple methods for installing the library in a project.

Installation with CocoaPods

You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods


To integrate NNPopObjc into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'TargetName' do
    pod 'NNPopObjc'

Then, run the following command:

pod install

If installation failed with error:

[!] Unable to find a specification for `NNPopObjc`

try install with the following command:

pod install --repo-update

Installation with Carthage

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate NNPopObjc into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "amisare/NNPopObjc" ~> 1.0.6

Run carthage to build the framework and drag the built NNPopObjc.framework into your Xcode project.



NNPopObjc is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.