NMMultiUnitRuler 0.1.1

NMMultiUnitRuler 0.1.1

Maintained by Namshi LLC.

  • By


iOS library to select different size units using a Scrollable Ruler

It is simple customizable ruler control that support multiple units. The control supports these features:

  • Customizable interface
  • Compatible with iOS 11.0 NSUnit Framework
  • Supports multiple units
  • Customize marker colors based on type or their value
  • Customize the width, length and number of markers of the ruler
  • Customize the unit formatter


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


NMMultiUnitRuler is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "NMMultiUnitRuler"

and run pod install in terminal. Usage


iOS 11+

xCode 9.0+

Swift 5.0

####You can use storyboard to create a control element.

How to use

class ViewController: UIViewController, NMMultiUnitRulerDataSource, NMMultiUnitRulerDelegate {


Set the ruler direction to horizontal

ruler.direction = .horizontal
ruler.direction = .vertical

Vertical Ruler

Specify how many units the ruler will display

    var numberOfSegments: Int {
        get {
            return 2.0

Originally inspired by RKMultiUnitRuler