NMFloatLabelSearchField 2.0.0

NMFloatLabelSearchField 2.0.0

Maintained by Namshi LLC.


A lightweight subclass of SkyFloatingLabelTextField to display dynamic floating hints and suggestion list as you type text in the text field. It's a combination of SkyFloatingLabelTextField and SearchTextField pods.

NMFloatLabelSearchField Demo Gif

From Example App


From Namshi App

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iOS 9.3 or above

Swift Version

Swift 4 supported from 1.0.0 version. Swift 4.2 supported from 2.0.0 version.


The control is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods can be installed using Ruby gems:

$ gem install cocoapods

or if you have already cocoapods installed, then update as:

$ cocoapods update

Then simply add NMFloatLabelSearchField to your Podfile:


pod 'NMFloatLabelSearchField', '~> 2.0.0'

Lastly, install the latest version of the library by running:

pod install



You can download the latest files from our Releases page. After doing so, copy the Swift file in the Sources folder to your project.


Check out the Example project.


This library has SkyFloatingLabelTextField as a dependency and includes code from SearchTextField. All the code from these two pods is the copyright of the respective authors. If you like this library, please appreciate these two libraries as well.

All right reserved. Namshi Team 2018.