NIMSDK_LITE 10.7.0×License Custom ReleasedLast Release Dec 2024Maintained by wenhai, Wenchao Ding, yuan, genning, Emilyzyw, yuanyuan, Yulong, fanghe, taojinliang, Sevenuncler, chenjili, kllihuang, qihongru, hzsusu.Installation Guide×Installation Guide for NIMSDK_LITEYou want to add pod 'NIMSDK_LITE', '~> 10.7' similar to the following to your Podfile:target 'MyApp' do pod 'NIMSDK_LITE', '~> 10.7' endThen run a pod install inside your terminal, or from to give it a test run, run the command:pod try NIMSDK_LITESee PodspecHomepagePage on CocoaPods.orgNIMSDK_LITE 10.7.0ByNetease IM TeamNIMSDK_LITE Netease IM Lite SDK Installation pod 'NIMSDK_LITE' Authors Netease IM Team License Custom