NACommonUtils 2.7.0

NACommonUtils 2.7.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2019
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Nick Ager.


CI Status Version License Platform

Swift utilities and extensions used across a number of iOS apps

Utility Comment
ActivityOverlay Light-weight version of MBProgessHUD - shows a translucent HUD, containing an activity indicator, centred in a specified view
Array+Functional func headTail() -> (head: Element, tail: [Element])?; arrayByAppend and arrayByAppendContentsOf non-mutating versions of the stdlib append and appendContentsOf
NSMutableAttributedString+Creation NSMutableAttributedString creation helpers
OnePixelConstraint Designed as a auto-layout width/height constraint that will always be 1px regardless of screen scale
String+LineUtils Strings line helpers
UIButton+ActionBlock Button onPressed: block extension
UIGestureRecognizer+ActionBlock Gesture recognizer block extension
UIResponder+FindUIViewController Walk the responder chain until we find a UIViewController; useful when a UIView needs to access UIViewController API
UIView+Autolayout Autolayout helpers; useAutolayout(), centerInView(..), constrainToWidth(..), constrainToHeight(..)
KeepInMemoryMixin Class mixin to allow the class to keep itself in memory
UIView+NibLoading instanceFromNib() Load an instance of a view from a nib named identically to the class.
UILabel+Measurement text size measurement


The utilities are available as a Cocoapod. To incorporate them to your project add the following to your Podfile eg:

target '<YourProject>' do
    pod 'NACommonUtils'

See for further details.