MvvmForIOSSwift 0.7

MvvmForIOSSwift 0.7

Maintained by Francois Dabonot.

  • By
  • Francois Dabonot


MvvmForIOS is a framework for using Mvvm pattern on iOS.

It's fully written in Swift 4 and have some tools for respecting the mvvm pattern.

Content of the framework :

  • A structure View/ViewModel/Model
  • A navigation service where we manage the navigation between viewModel
  • A service locator for IoC capabilities


  • Swift 4
  • iOS 8

Binding issue ?

MvvmForIOS-Swift doesn't have a binding tool.

Currently, I advise to use Bond (

This framework is specialized for binding content between view and viewModel

Also, you can KVO but it's not fully compatible with Swift.

How to install MvvmForIOS-Swift

  • Carthage

github "Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController"

github "frankois944/MvvmForIOS-Swift"

  • CocoaPods

pod 'MvvmForIOSSwift'

How to use it

There is a sample who explain how to implement the Framework in Swift project without binding stuff

Service Locator

There is a service locator which can be used for IoC.

protocol IDataServices : class {
    var name:String! { get }
    func openApplicationSetting() -> Bool

class DataServices: IDataServices {
    // ...implement protocol

ServiceLocator.register(service: DataServices() as IDataServices)
let service:IDataServices! = ServiceLocator.resolve()
let result = service.openApplicationSetting()



The navigation is managed trought INavigationService.

It also based on LGSideMenuController Framework (

All navigation between Views are made in the ViewModels, it requires some specifics naming between the View + (Storyboard) and the corresponding ViewModel.

For the ViewModel testViewModel, the View must be named testView and the storyboard must be named test.

The navigation won't work if you do not respect this rule.

So how to navigate?

In the ViewModel just call :

self.navigation.showViewModel(viewModelToShow: AnotherViewModel.self)
self.navigation.showViewModel(viewModelToShow: AnotherViewModel.self, onCompletion:nil, withParameters:[SOMEDATA])

//Inside AnotherViewModel 
override func startViewModel(parameters: Any? [SOMEDATA]) {
self.navigation.closeViewModel(viewModelToClose: self, onCompletion: { () -> (Void) in
    NSLog("AnotherViewModel closed")

INavigationService Interface

INavigationService have a lot of methods for navigating, with completion, parameters ...

public protocol INavigationService {
    var navigation:LGSideMenuController { get }

    func setCenterViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!) -> Void
    func setRightSideViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!) -> Void
    func setLeftSideViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!) -> Void
    func showViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!) -> Void
    func showViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!, onCompletion:(() -> (Void))?) -> Void
    func showViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!, onCompletion:(() -> (Void))?, withParameters:AnyObject?) -> Void
    func showModalViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!) -> Void
    func showModalViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!, onCompletion:(() -> (Void))?) -> Void
    func showModalViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!, onCompletion:(() -> (Void))?, customizeModal:((UIViewController) -> (Void))?) -> Void
    func showModalViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToShow:T.Type!, onCompletion:(() -> (Void))?, customizeModal:((UIViewController) -> (Void))?, withParameters:AnyObject?) -> Void
    func closeViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToClose:T!, onCompletion:(() -> (Void))?) -> Void
    func closeViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToClose:T!) -> Void
    func showLeftPanel(animated:Bool) -> Void
    func showRightPanel(animated:Bool) -> Void
    func hideLeftPanel(animated:Bool) -> Void
    func hideRightPanel(animated:Bool) -> Void
    func resolveViewModel<T:IBaseViewModel>(viewModelToGet:T.Type!) -> T!

Side Panel

  • As this framework is based on LGSideMenuController, the use of Panel is easy
//in the appDelegate, set root view for Panel
navigation.setCenterViewModel(viewModelToShow: FirstViewModel.self)
navigation.setLeftSideViewModel(viewModelToShow: SecondViewModel.self)
navigation.setRightSideViewModel(viewModelToShow: SecondViewModel.self)

//in a viewModel
navigation.showLeftPanel(animated: true)
navigation.showRightPanel(animated: true)
navigation.hideLeftPanel(animated: true)
navigation.hideRightPanel(animated: true)
  • You can also push a viewModel inside a side Panel
the view declaration must have 
class SecondView: BaseView<SecondViewModel>, ILeftPanelAttribute /*mandatory*/ {
navigation.showViewModel(viewModelToShow: SecondViewModel.self)
  • You can access to LGSideMenuController with
let lgSideCtr = navigation.navigation;

so you can customize this component.