MultibyteDescription 0.2

MultibyteDescription 0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Yasuhiro Inami.

  • By
  • Yasuhiro Inami

MultibyteDescription 0.2

A better way to NSLog multibyte string for OSX/iOS.

How to use

#import "MultibyteDescription.h"

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {

        [MultibyteDescription install];

        NSArray* arr = @[ @"あいうえお", @"カキクケコ", @"abcde", @[ @"らりるれろ", @"らりるれろ" ] , @{ @"English" : @"hello", @"日本語" : @"こんにちは",  @"한국어" : @"안녕하세요",  @"中文" : @"你好" } ];
        NSLog(@"array = \n%@",arr);

        NSDictionary* dict = @{ @"キー" : arr };
        NSLog(@"dict = \n%@",dict);

        NSSet* set = [NSSet setWithArray:arr];
        NSLog(@"set = \n%@",set);

        NSOrderedSet *orderedSet = [NSOrderedSet orderedSetWithArray:arr];
        NSLog(@"orderedSet = \n%@", orderedSet);

        NSDate* date = [NSDate date];
        NSLog(@"date = \n%@", date);

    return 0;


Main idea is from @yusuga's post: (in Japanese)


MultibyteDescription is available under the Beerware license.

If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.