MockingKit 1.3.0

MockingKit 1.3.0

Maintained by Daniel Saidi.

  • By
  • Daniel Saidi

MockingKit Logo

Version Swift 5.6 MIT License Twitter: @danielsaidi

About MockingKit

MockingKit is a Swift-based mocking library that makes it easy to mock protocols and classes, for instance when unit testing or mocking not yet implemented functionality.

MockingKit lets you register function results, call functions and inspect recorded calls.

MockingKit doesn't put any restrictions on your code or require you to structure it in any way. You don't need any setup or configuration. Just create a mock and you're good to go.

Supported Platforms

MockingKit supports iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13 and watchOS 6.


MockingKit can be installed with the Swift Package Manager:

or with CocoaPods:

pod MockingKit

You can also clone the repository and build the library locally.

Getting started

In short, MockingKit lets you mock any protocols and classes:

protocol MyProtocol {

    func doStuff(int: Int, string: String) -> String

class MyMock: Mock, MyProtocol {

    // You have to define a lazy reference for each function you want to mock
    lazy var doStuffRef = MockReference(doStuff)

    // Functions must then call the reference to be recorded
    func doStuff(int: Int, string: String) -> String {
        call(doStuffRef, args: (int, string))

You can then use the mock to register function results, call functions and inspect recorded calls.

// Create a mock
let mock = MyMock()

// Register a doStuff result
mock.registerResult(for: mock.doStuffRef) { args in String(args.1.reversed()) }

// Calling doStuff will now return the pre-registered result
let result = mock.doStuff(int: 42, string: "string") // => "gnirts"

// You can now inspect calls made to doStuff
let calls = mock.calls(to: mock.doStuffRef)          // => 1 item
calls[0].arguments.0                                 // => 42
calls[0].arguments.1                                 // => "string"
calls[0].result                                      // => "gnirts"
mock.hasCalled(\.doStuffRef)                         // => true
mock.hasCalled(\.doStuffRef, numberOfTimes: 1)       // => true
mock.hasCalled(\.doStuffRef, numberOfTimes: 2)       // => false

The online documentation has a more thorough getting-started guide that will help you get started with the library.


The online documentation has articles, code examples etc. that let you overview the various parts of the library.

The online documentation is currently iOS-specific. To generate documentation for other platforms, open the package in Xcode, select a simulator then run Product/Build Documentation.

Demo Application

This project contains a demo app that lets you explore MockingKit on iOS and macOS. To run it, just open and run Demo/Demo.xcodeproj.


You can sponsor this project on GitHub Sponsors or get in touch for paid support.


Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:


MockingKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.