MobilliumDateFormatter 1.3.0

MobilliumDateFormatter 1.3.0

Maintained by aslanmehmetsalih, Mehmet Salih Aslan.


Build Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Swift 5.0+


MobilliumDateFormatter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MobilliumDateFormatter'


MobilliumDateFormatter comes with these formats:

/// 2-digit year
/// Example: 08
case yy

/// 4-digit year
/// Example: 2008
case yyyy

/// The quarter of the year. Use QQ if you want zero padding.
/// Example: 4
case Q

/// Quarter including "Q"
/// Example: Q4
case QQQ

/// Quarter spelled out
/// Example: 4th quarter
case QQQQ

/// The numeric month of the year. A single M will use '1' for January.
/// Example: 12
case M

/// The numeric month of the year. A double M will use '01' for January.
/// Example: 12
case MM

/// The shorthand name of the month
/// Example: Dec
case MMM

/// Full name of the month
/// Example: December
case MMMM

/// Narrow name of the month
/// Example: D
case MMMMM

/// The day of the month. A single d will use 1 for January 1st.
/// Example: 14
case d

/// The day of the month. A double d will use 01 for January 1st.
/// Example: 14
case dd

/// The day of week in the month
/// Example: 3rd Tuesday in December
case F

/// The day of week in the month
/// Example: Tues
case E

/// The full name of the day
/// Example: Tuesday
case EEEE

/// The narrow day of week
/// Example: T
case EEEEE

/// The 12-hour hour.
/// Example: 4
case h

/// The 12-hour hour padding with a zero if there is only 1 digit
/// Example: 04
case hh

/// The 24-hour hour.
/// Example: 16
case H

/// The 24-hour hour padding with a zero if there is only 1 digit.
/// Example: 16
case HH

/// AM / PM for 12-hour time formats
/// Example: PM
case a

/// The minute, with no padding for zeroes.
/// Example: 35
case m

/// The minute with zero padding.
/// Example: 35
case mm

/// The seconds, with no padding for zeroes.
/// Example: 8
case s

/// The seconds with zero padding.
/// Example: 08
case ss

or Create your format:

import MobilliumDateFormatter

extension Date.Format {
    static let dateTime = Date.Format.custom(rawValue: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

Set locale(optional):

MobilliumDateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "us")

Set calendar(optional), default: Calendar.current:

MobilliumDateFormatter.calendar = Calendar.current

String to Date:

let dateString = "2001-01-01 01:01:00"
let date = Date.from(dateString, format: .dateTime)

Date to String:

let date = Date()
let dateString =

TimeInterval to Date:

let timeInterval = TimeInterval(exactly: 1549611277)!
let date = Date.from(timeInterval)

supported date component types for math operations:

enum DateComponentType {
    case year
    case month
    case weekOfYear
    case day
    case hour
    case minute
    case second
    case millisecond

example of adding days(you can add another date component type like this):

let date = Date()
let newDate = date.add(.day, count: 1)
// or
let newDate = now.addDay(-1)


MobilliumDateFormatter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.