MoABContactsManager 1.0.5

MoABContactsManager 1.0.5

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jul 2015

Maintained by Diego Pais.

  • By
  • Diego Pais


MoABContactsManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MoABContactsManager"

Basic Usage

Get all contacts

[[MoABContactsManager sharedManager] contacts:^(ABAuthorizationStatus authorizationStatus, NSArray *contacts, NSError *error) {

    if (error) {
        // An error has ocurred
    }else {
        if (authorizationStatus == kABAuthorizationStatusAuthorized) {
            // Do something with contacts
        }else {
            // User didn't give permissions


Create contact

[[MoABContactsManager sharedManager] addContact:contact completion:^(NSError *error) {
    // Do sometihng

Update contact

[[MoABContactsManager sharedManager] updateContact:contact completion:^(NSError *error) {
    // Do something

Delete contact

[[MoABContactsManager sharedManager] deleteContactWithId:contact.contactId completion:^(NSError *error) {
    // Do something

Advanced Usage

Use sort descriptor

[[MoABContactsManager sharedManager] setSortDescriptors:@[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"fullName" ascending:YES]]];

Filter contacts

// Set MoABContactsManager delegate
[[MoABContactsManager sharedManager] setDelegate:self];

// Implement delegate
- (BOOL)moABContatsManager:(MoABContactsManager *)contactsManager shouldIncludeContact:(MoContact *)contact
    // Only show contacts with phones
    return [contact.phones count] > 0;

Select contacts fields to fetch

[[MoABContactsManager sharedManager] setFieldsMask:MoContactFieldFirstName | MoContactFieldLastName | MoContactFieldEmails | MoContactFieldPhones | MoContactFieldThumbnailProfilePicture];

Serialize Contacts

NSLog(@"Serialized Contact: %@", [contact asDictionary]);


    "contact_id" = 888;
    "emails" =
                    "work" = "[email protected]"
                    "home" = "[email protected]"
    "emails_values" =     
                        "[email protected]",
                        "[email protected]"
    "first_name" = John;
    "last_name" = Doe;
    "full_name" = "John Doe";
    "phones" =    
                    "mobile" = "+13121123345"    
    "phones_values" =     
    "addresses" =     
                        "work" = 
                                    "City" = "Cupertino",
                                    "Country" = "United States",
                                    "CountryCode" = "us",
                                    "State" = "CA",
                                    "Street" = "1 Infinite Loop",
                                    "ZIP" = "95014"

What's next?

  • Handle linked contacts


Diego Pais


MoABContactsManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.