MindView 1.0.3

MindView 1.0.3

Maintained by ‘Jowsing’.

MindView 1.0.3

  • By
  • jowsing


Version License Platform


Screenshot ! Screenshot


The Mind Node View

You can use any UIKit view

class NodeView: UILabel, MindNodable {
    typealias Model = String
    func configure(_ model: String) {
        self.text = model
        self.textColor = .systemRed
        self.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
    func nodeWidthThatFits(_ nodeHeight: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        return sizeThatFits(.init(width: .greatestFiniteMagnitude, height: nodeHeight)).width

Create The MindView

    let configuration = MindConfiguration(contentInserts: .init(top: 0, left: 30, bottom: 0, right: 30))
    let mindView = MindView(configuration: configuration)
    let node = MindNode(id: 1, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "中心主题", subNodes: [
        MindNode(id: 2, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪要", subNodes: [
            MindNode(id: 3, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "纪要1", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 4, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会纪要2", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 5, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪dddd要3", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 6, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议", subNodes: []),
        MindNode(id: 100, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪要", subNodes: [
            MindNode(id: 101, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "纪要1", subNodes: []),
        MindNode(id: 7, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪要", subNodes: [
            MindNode(id: 8, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "纪要1", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 9, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会纪要2", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 10, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪dddd要3", subNodes: []),
        MindNode(id: 11, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪要", subNodes: [
            MindNode(id: 12, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "纪要1", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 13, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会纪要2", subNodes: []),
        MindNode(id: 14, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪要", subNodes: [
            MindNode(id: 15, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "纪要1", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 16, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会纪要2", subNodes: []),
            MindNode(id: 17, nodeClass: NodeView.self, model: "会议纪dddd要3", subNodes: []),
    mindView.setup(root: node)

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



MindView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MindView'


jowsing, [email protected]


MindView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.