TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | SwiftSwift |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | May 2017 |
SwiftSwift Version | 3.1 |
SPMSupports SPM | ✗ |
Maintained by Almazrafi.
Metatron is a Swift framework for editing meta-information of audio files. Currently it supports:
To open a MPEG media file for reading and writing:
do {
// Open the MPEG media from file path
let media = try MPEGMedia(fromFilePath: "sample.mp3", readOnly: false)
// Use MPEGMedia(fromData: [UInt8], readOnly: Bool) to load from memory
// Get MPEG properties
print("Version: " + String(describing: media.version))
print("Layer: " + String(describing: media.layer))
print("Duration (seconds): " + String(media.duration / 1000.0))
print("Bit rate: " + String(media.bitRate))
print("Sample rate: " + String(media.sampleRate))
print("Channels: " + String(media.channels))
print("Bit rate mode: " + String(describing: media.bitRateMode))
print("Channel mode: " + String(describing: media.channelMode))
// Get Tag information
print("Title: " + media.title)
print("Artists: " + media.artists.joined(separator: " & "))
print("Album: " + media.album)
print("Genres: " + media.genres.joined(separator: "/"))
print("Release date: " + String(describing: media.releaseDate))
print("Track number: " + String(describing: media.trackNumber))
print("Disc number: " + String(describing: media.discNumber))
let coverArtImage = UIImage(data: Data(media.coverArt.data))
print("Copyrights: " + media.copyrights.joined(separator: "\n"))
print("Comments: " + media.comments.joined(separator: "\n"))
print("Lyrics: " + String(describing: media.lyrics))
// Write Tag information
media.title = "Title"
media.artists = ["Artist"]
media.album = "Album"
media.genres = ["Genre"]
media.releaseDate = TagDate(year: 2016, month: 11, day: 17)
media.trackNumber = TagNumber(3, total: 4)
media.discNumber = TagNumber(1)
if let newCoverArtImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: "sample.png") {
if let pngRepresentation = UIImagePNGRepresentation(newCoverArtImage) {
media.coverArt = TagImage(data: [UInt8](pngRepresentation))
media.copyrights = ["Copyright"]
media.comments = ["Comment"]
media.lyrics = TagLyrics(pieces: [TagLyrics.Piece("Lyrics text piece", timeStamp: 1230)])
// Save the information to the mp3 file
if !media.save() {
print("The file is corrupted and cannot be saved or it is read only.")
} catch MediaError.invalidFormat {
print("The file is not MPEG.")
} catch MediaError.invalidFile {
print("The file does not exist.")
} catch MediaError.invalidData {
print("The file or data is empty.")
} catch {
print("Unknown error")
Metatron and its assets are released under the MIT License