MaterialMotionPopTransitions 1.0.0

MaterialMotionPopTransitions 1.0.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Jeff Verkoeyen.

Depends on:
pop~> 1.0
MaterialMotionTransitions~> 1.0
MaterialMotionPop~> 2.0

  • By
  • The Material Motion Authors

POP Transitions for Material Motion (Swift)

Supported languages

  • Swift 3
  • Objective-C


TransitionSpring makes it easy to describe bi-directional spring-based transitions.

Consider the following example of a simple “slide in” transition director:

class SlideInTransitionDirector: NSObject, TransitionDirector {
  let transition: Transition
  required init(transition: Transition) {
    self.transition = transition

  func setUp() {
    let midY = Double(transition.foreViewController.view.layer.position.y)
    let height = Double(transition.foreViewController.view.bounds.height)
    let slide = TransitionSpring("position.y",
                                 transition: transition,
                                 back: NSNumber(value: midY + height),
                                 fore: NSNumber(value: midY))
    transition.runtime.addPlan(slide, to: transition.foreViewController.view.layer)

In this director we’ve defined a single TransitionSpring that handles both the forward and backward transition. Going forward, a SpringTo with destination midY is emitted. Going backward, a SpringTo with destination midY + height is emitted.



Import the framework:

@import MaterialMotionPopTransitions;

You will now have access to all of the APIs.

Example apps/unit tests

Check out a local copy of the repo to access the Catalog application by running the following commands:

git clone
cd pop-transitions-swift
pod install
open MaterialMotionPopTransitions.xcworkspace


  1. How to animate a CALayer property with a TransitionSpring plan

How to animate a CALayer property with a TransitionSpring plan

Code snippets:

In Objective-C:

MDMTransitionSpring *spring = [[MDMTransitionSpring alloc] initWithProperty:"<#key path#>"
                                                                       back:<#back value#>
                                                                       fore:<#fore value#>];
[scheduler addPlan:spring to:<#Object#>];

In Swift:

let spring = TransitionSpring("<#key path#>",
                              transition: transition,
                              back: <#back value#>,
                              fore: <#fore value#>)
transition.scheduler.addPlan(spring, to: <#Layer#>)


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Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.