MaterialMotionDirectManipulationFamily 1.0.0

MaterialMotionDirectManipulationFamily 1.0.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2016
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Jeff Verkoeyen.

  • By
  • The Material Motion Authors

Direct Manipulation Material Motion Family in Swift

Supported languages

  • Swift 3
  • Objective-C


This library consists of the following plans:

  • Draggable, Pinchable, and Rotatable
  • DirectlyManipulable
  • ChangeAnchorPoint

The Draggable, Pinchable, and Rotatable plans allow a user to move, scale, and rotate a view. They each listen for deltas emitted by a gesture recognizer and add them to the target.

If a view can be dragged then it can often be pinched and rotated too. To make this easy, we provide a DirectlyManipulable plan. It’s equivalent to individually adding Draggable, Pinchable, and Rotatable to the same target.

The collection of Draggable, Pinchable, Rotatable, and DirectlyManipulable represent traits that can describe behavior of a target view. When any of these traits are added to a view the view’s isUserInteractionEnabled is enabled. If the plan’s associated gesture recognizer is not yet associated with a view then the gesture recognizer will be added to the target view.

ChangeAnchorPoint adjusts view.layer.anchorPoint while maintaining the same view.frame. In practice you will not use this plan directly because Draggable, Pinchable, and Rotatable each provide the shouldAdjustAnchorPointOnGestureStart property for automatically emitting a ChangeAnchorPoint instance.



Import the framework:

@import MaterialMotionDirectManipulationFamily;

You will now have access to all of the APIs.

Example apps/unit tests

Check out a local copy of the repo to access the Catalog application by running the following commands:

git clone
cd material-motion-family-direct-manipulation-swift
pod install
open MaterialMotionDirectManipulationFamily.xcworkspace


  1. How to make a view directly manipulable
  2. How to make a view draggable
  3. How to use an existing gesture recognizer to make a view draggable

How to make a view directly manipulable

Code snippets:

In Objective-C:

[runtime addPlan:[MDMDirectlyManipulable new] to:<#Object#>];

In Swift:

runtime.addPlan(DirectlyManipulable(), to: <#Object#>)

How to make a view draggable

Code snippets:

In Objective-C:

[runtime addPlan:[MDMDraggable new] to:<#Object#>];

In Swift:

runtime.addPlan(Draggable(), to: <#Object#>)

How to use an existing gesture recognizer to make a view draggable

Code snippets:

In Objective-C:

MDMDraggable *draggable = [[MDMDraggable alloc] initWithGestureRecognizer:panGestureRecognizer];
[runtime addPlan:draggable to:<#Object#>];

In Swift:

runtime.addPlan(Draggable(withGestureRecognizer: panGestureRecognizer), to: <#Object#>)


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Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.