MaterialForm 0.9.7

MaterialForm 0.9.7

Maintained by Andrzej Michnia.

  • By
  • Andrzej Michnia


Material UI Text Field component for UIKit, iOS and tvOS (iOS 10+, tvOS 10+).

TvOS is still in beta, but would be tweaked wherever required soon.

For SwiftUI support, please look into MaterialFormSwiftUI pod (iOS 13+).

Look and UI:

Default look and feel for light and dark theme style:




1. Swift Package Manager

Add to your Package.swift, or setup within XCode 11+:

.package(url: "", from: "0.9.7"),

2. Cocoapods

Add to your Podfile:

pod 'MaterialForm'

3. Carthage

Add to your Cartfile:

github "GirAppe/MaterialForm"

Main features:

  1. KVO Observable text/event/state properties. In most cases you won't need to set it's delegate.
  2. Easy usage of left/right accessories, allows to easiuly add clickable action icons
  3. Built in error state handling, by setting errorMessage value
  4. Support for specifying max characters count
  5. Can define next text field, that the focus would pass to after return was tapped
  6. Built in characters counter


1. Storyboard / nib:

Place a UITextField in your IB file, and change it's class to 'MaterialUITextField'. Voila ;)

There are plenty of additional properties that are accessible through IB. For a different styles, set borderStyle property from IB.

2. From the code:

MaterialUITextField is a UITextField subclass. There is no additional setup required unless you want to.