This framework give you full flexibility to apply any material design widget you would like to use in your app! Please see below steps if you only need to use one or two of the entire package widgets.
Light mode
Dark mode
You may download MaterialDesignWidgetsDemo to see how its used in your app.
Key Features
A full package of material design widgets that you'll need to upgrade your app's visual.
Widget classes are made to be open, which gives you flexibility to create your own.
Instead of pull down the entire package, you can also copy the source of any widget you need independently.
If you decide to just use one of the widgets, you can follow below usage for instructions on which files you need for that specific widget.
Swift 5.0
iOS 11.0+
Required Files:
Normal Button
let btnSample1 =MaterialButton(text: "Sample1", cornerRadius: 15.0)
let btnSample2 =MaterialButton(text: "Sample2", textColor: .black, bgColor: .white)
let btnShadow =MaterialButton(text: "Shadow Button", cornerRadius: 15.0, withShadow: true)
Light mode
Dark mode
Vertical Aligned Button
let img =UIImage(named: "Your image name")
let btnV =MaterialVerticalButton(icon: img, title: "Fill", foregroundColor: .black, bgColor: .white)
Light mode
Dark mode
Segmented Control
Required File - MaterialSegmentedControl.swift
let sgFilled =MaterialSegmentedControl(selectorStyle: .fill, fgColor: .black, selectedFgColor: .white, selectorColor: .black, bgColor: .lightGray)
// Below is styling, you can write your own.
sgFilled.backgroundColor= .lightGray
sgFilled.setCornerBorder(cornerRadius: 18.0)