MSSPopMasonry 0.0.2

MSSPopMasonry 0.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2015

Maintained by Mikkel Selsoe Sorensen.

Depends on:
pop>= 0
Masonry>= 0

  • By
  • Mikkel Selsøe Sørensen

Use Masonry with the Facebook Pop animation framework.

MSSPopMasonry is the marriage between Pop and Masonry. Here's an example of how to animate a Masonry layout constraint:

[myView mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {;

        self.leftSideConstraint = make.left.equalTo(self.view).offset(0);

newOffset = 100;
POPBasicAnimation *leftSideAnimation = [POPBasicAnimation new];
leftSideAnimation = @(newOffset); = [POPAnimatableProperty mas_offsetProperty];

[self.leftSideConstraint pop_addAnimation:leftSideAnimation forKey:@"offset"];

The MASConstraint properties supported currently:

  • offset
  • sizeOffset
  • centerOffset
  • multipliedBy
  • dividedBy

Support for insets is pending Pop supporting UIEdgeInsets in NSValue objects when passed to an animation object's toValue property.


You can import the MSSPopMasonry files as is or through Cocoapods. If you want to use MSSPopMasonry with the latest versions of Pop and Masonry, all you have to do is specify

pod 'MSSPopMasonry' 

in your Podfile and both Pop and Masonry will be included in your project along with MSSPopMasonry.