MMAdvertScrollView 1.2.1

MMAdvertScrollView 1.2.1

Maintained by CoderHuiYu.

  • By
  • Jeffery Yu





1.How to use MMAdvertScrollView

  • Installation with CocoaPods:pod 'MMAdvertScrollView'
 var timeInterval: TimeInterval = 3.0 // 滚动间隔默认为3秒
 var scrollDirection: UICollectionView.ScrollDirection = .vertical //默认滚动方向为竖向
 var isOnlyShowTitle: Bool = false

You can use like this

 let m1 = MMAdvertScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 135, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width, height: 40))
 m1.dataArray = ["恭喜xx,完成了数据管理能力测评。" ,"恭喜xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,完成实名认证。"]

2.This framework supports custom views(框架支持自定义view)

@objc protocol MMAdvertScrollViewDelegate: AnyObject{
    @objc optional func customCycleScrollViewCellClass(_ cycleView: MMAdvertScrollView) -> AnyClass
    @objc optional func customCycleScrollViewNibCellClass(_ cycleView: MMAdvertScrollView) -> AnyClass
    func customCycleScrollViewSet(_ collectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell, numberOfItems item: Int, cycleView view: MMAdvertScrollView )
    @objc optional  func collectionView(_ cycleView: MMAdvertScrollView, didSelectItemAt indexItem: Int)

We support both XIB and pure code custom views(我们支持xib和纯代码两种方式自定义的view)

2.1. XIB

you can refer to CustomerView (可以参考CustomerView)

extension CustomerView: MMAdvertScrollViewDelegate {
    // 注册 xib cell
    func customCycleScrollViewNibCellClass(_ cycleView: MMAdvertScrollView) -> AnyClass {
        return CustomerXIBCell.self
    func customCycleScrollViewSet(_ collectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell, numberOfItems item: Int, cycleView view: MMAdvertScrollView) {
        let customeCell = collectionViewCell as! CustomerXIBCell
        customeCell.titles = ["恭喜xx,完成了数据管理能力测评。", "我是自定义view,而且cell是用xib" ,"恭喜xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,完成实名认证。"]
        customeCell.backgroundColor = .yellow

2.2 pure code (纯代码)

you can refer to Customer2 (可以参考CustomerView2)

extension CustomerView2: MMAdvertScrollViewDelegate {
    // 注册纯代码cell
    func customCycleScrollViewCellClass(_ cycleView: MMAdvertScrollView) -> AnyClass {
        return CustomerCollectionViewCell.self
    func customCycleScrollViewSet(_ collectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell, numberOfItems item: Int, cycleView view: MMAdvertScrollView) {
        let customeCell = collectionViewCell as! CustomerCollectionViewCell
        customeCell.titles = ["恭喜xx,完成了数据管理能力测评。", "我是自定义view,而且cell是用纯代码实现的" ,"恭喜xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,完成实名认证。"]
        customeCell.backgroundColor = .red

!Warning:If you customize the Cell, you must implement itcustomCycleScrollViewSet(如果自定义Cell,必须实现 customCycleScrollViewSet)


 func customCycleScrollViewSet(_ collectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell, numberOfItems item: Int, cycleView view: MMAdvertScrollView) {
        let customeCell = collectionViewCell as! CustomerXIBCell
        customeCell.titles = ["恭喜xx,完成了数据管理能力测评。", "我是自定义view,而且cell是用xib" ,"恭喜xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,完成实名认证。"]
        customeCell.backgroundColor = .yellow

You can assign and modify cells in this protocol method(你可以在这个代理方法里面进行cell的赋值和修改)


  • ARC
  • iOS>=10.0

If you have any questions ( 如果有任何问题)

If you have any questions, you can email to me:[email protected] (如果有任何问题,可以发邮件给我:[email protected])