MGSwipeTabBarController 2.0

MGSwipeTabBarController 2.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Mark Glagola.

Example Screenshots

ScreenShot 1


CocoaPods is recommended.

Old Style

  • Drag and drop the MGSwipeTabBarController/MGSwipeTabBarController Folder into your iOS project
  • #import "MGSwipeTabBarController.h"

Example Usage

Create a MGSwipeTabBarController

Option 1 - Init

NSArray *viewControllers = . . . //your view controllers
MGSwipeTabBarController *swipeController = [[MGSwipeTabBarController alloc] initWithViewControllers:viewControllers]; 

Option 2 - Setter

NSArray *viewControllers = . . . //your view controllers
MGSwipeTabBarController *swipeController = . . . // initialized someway (i.e. storyboard, nib, etc).
swipeController.viewControllers = viewControllers;


There is a bug currently with transparent UI bars. The demo demonstrates this bug.