MBToolbox 1.2.2

MBToolbox 1.2.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2016

Maintained by Evan Maloney.

MBToolbox 1.2.2

  • By
  • Evan Coyne Maloney

Mockingbird Toolbox

The Mockingbird Toolbox is a set of general-purpose utility code for use in iOS and Mac OS X applications.

The Toolbox is the lowest-level module in the Mockingbird Library open-source project from Gilt Groupe.


The Mockingbird Toolbox includes:

Battery & Power Monitoring

The MBBatteryMonitor class (iOS only) reports the device’s power status and battery level, and also posts events through the NSNotificationCenter when these values change.

Network Monitoring

The MBNetworkMonitor class provides details about the current status of the device’s wifi and (if available) carrier network, and can also be configured to post NSNotificationCenter events as network status changes occur.


Mockingbird Toolbox provides a simple but extensible caching architecture.

The MBThreadsafeCache class implements a basic memory cache that can be safely shared across threads.

A subclass, MBFilesystemCache, adds a filesystem backing store to the memory cache.

Concurrency & Threading

The MBConcurrentReadWriteCoordinator class uses Grand Central Dispatch to provide an efficient mechanism for enforcing orderly read/write access to a shared resource.

MBThreadLocalStorage provides an interface for safely sharing thread-local storage among unrelated units of code. The class can also be used as a lock-free cache: Objects that are expensive to create, such as NSDateFormatter instances, can be cached in thread-local storage without incurring the locking overhead required by a shared object cache like MBThreadsafeCache.

Regular Expressions

The Mockingbird Toolbox provides NSString and NSMutableString class extensions to help create, manipulate, and execute regular expressions.

These extensions make use of the MBRegexCache for reusing regular expressions, which can be expensive to create.

Message Digests

The MBMessageDigest class provides a high-level API for generating MD5 and SHA-1 secure one-way hashes from strings, NSData instances, byte arrays, and files.

Class extensions for NSString and NSData are also provided to simplify creating message digests from existing objects.

Network Activity Indicator

The MBNetworkIndicator class (iOS only) provides a mechanism to coordinate the display of the status bar network activity indicator.

Colors (iOS only)

Mockingbird Toolbox includes various utilities for creating, examining, and manipulating colors.

Images (iOS only)

The Toolbox contains a UIImage class extension that adds methods for scaling images, as well as a UIView class extension for capturing the contents of a view as a UIImage, CIImage or CGImageRef.


The MBBitmapPixelPlane class represents a plane of pixels that can be accessed individually, regardless of the underlying pixel format. This allows direct extraction and manipulation of pixel data within a bitmap.

...and more

That’s just a quick summary.

For further details, start with the Mockingbird Toolbox API documentation.

Integrating with Mockingbird Toolbox

Although you can directly add some or all of the source files in Mockingbird Toolbox to an existing project, we recommend using CocoaPods for integration.

CocoaPods will let you include only those portions of Mockingbird Toolbox that you actually wish to use, and it also gives you a simple way to keep up-to-date with any critical changes while providing versioning capabilities if you need to remain locked to a specific release or range of releases.

Importing Headers

When you integrate Mockingbird Toolbox using CocoaPods, you should reference header files using the “library header” import notation, eg.:

    #import <MBToolbox/MBDebug.h>

In the future, we may issue binary releases of Mockingbird Toolbox as frameworks; using the notation above will allow you to seamlessly transition to using a framework.

If you are not using CocoaPods and are instead copying the Mockingbird Toolbox source into your project directly, you will need to reference those headers with “user header” notation:

    #import "MBDebug.h"

CocoaPod Subspecs

If you only want to use some of what's available in the Toolbox, we've provided a number of CocoaPod subspecs that allow you to pick and choose exactly what you want to use from Mockingbird Toolbox.

Subspecs are added to your Podfile as follows:

    pod 'MBToolbox/BatteryMonitor'
    pod 'MBToolbox/BitmapPixelPlane'

The lines above would add just the BatteryMonitor and BitmapPixelPlane portions of the Mockingbird Toolbox to your project.

Among the subspecs provided are:

Battery & Power Monitoring
  • BatteryMonitor (iOS only) - includes the MBBatteryMonitor class and related items
  • ThreadsafeCache - includes the MBThreadsafeCache class and related items
  • FilesystemCache - includes the MBFilesystemCache class and related items
Concurrency & Threading
  • ConcurrentReadWriteCoordinator - specifies the MBConcurrentReadWriteCoordinator class
  • ThreadLocalStorage - specifies the MBThreadLocalStorage class
Field Formatting
  • FieldListFormatter - specifies the MBFieldListFormatter class
  • FormattedDescriptionObject - specifies the MBFieldListFormatter and MBFormattedDescriptionObject classes
  • BitmapPixelPlane - includes the MBBitmapPixelPlane class and related items
  • RoundedRectTools - specifies the MBRoundedRectTools class
  • MBToolbox-UIColor (iOS only) - a UIColor class extension that adds several methods for getting information about and modifying colors
  • ImageScaling-UIImage (iOS only) - a UIImage class extension that adds methods for scaling images
  • SnapshotImage-UIView (iOS only) - a UIView class extension that adds methods for acquiring image snapshots of a view's contents
Message Digests
  • MessageDigest - specifies the MBMessageDigest class
  • MessageDigest-NSString - includes the MBMessageDigest class and an NSString class extension providing related convenience methods
  • MessageDigest-NSData - includes the MBMessageDigest class and an NSData class extension providing related convenience methods
  • MessageDigest-Extensions - includes the MBMessageDigest class and all related class extensions
  • NetworkIndicator (iOS only) - specifies the MBNetworkIndicator class
  • NetworkMonitor - specifies the MBNetworkMonitor service, a high-level replacement for Reachability that provides additional functionality
  • OperationQueue - specifies the MBOperationQueue class
  • FilesystemOperations - includes the MBOperationQueue class and various filesystem operations
Regular Expressions
  • RegexCache - specifies the MBRegexCache singleton
  • Regex-NSString - class extensions for NSString and NSMutableString that provide convenience methods for handling regular expressions using the MBRegexCache for improved performance
Runtime Services
  • ServiceManager - specifies the MBServiceManager singleton and the MBService protocol
  • Singleton - declares the MBSingleton and MBInstanceVendor protocols, and the preprocessor macro MBImplementSingleton() which provides a default singleton implementation based on dispatch_once()
String Manipulation
  • StringFunctions - declares the MBForceString() and MBTrimString() inline functions, and the MBStringify() preprocessor macro
  • StringConversions-NSData - an NSData class extension that adds methods for converting between hexadecimal strings and NSData instances, and also provides methods for interpreting NSData instances as byte data for NSStrings of various encodings
  • Indentation-NSString - an NSString class extension that adds methods for indenting the individual lines in a string using tabs and arbitrary prefixes
  • StringSizing-UIFont (iOS only) - a UIFont class extension that adds methods for performing common text measurement tasks
...and more

Additional subspecs are declared and documented in the podspec.

About Mockingbird Library

The Mockingbird Toolbox represents the foundation of the Mockingbird Library.

Over the years, Gilt Groupe has used and refined Mockingbird Library as the base platform for its various iOS projects.

Mockingbird Library Module Layers

Mockingbird began life as AppFramework, created by Jesse Boyes.

AppFramework found a home at Gilt Groupe and eventually became Mockingbird Library.

In recent years, Mockingbird Library has been developed and maintained by Evan Coyne Maloney, Distinguished Engineer at Gilt Tech.

Copyright & License

Mockingbird Library and Mockingbird Toolbox © Copyright 2009-2015, Gilt Groupe.

Licensed under the MIT license.