Logmatic 1.0.2

Logmatic 1.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2017

Maintained by Antoine Kuhn, Edouard Siegel, Roland Borgese, Logmatic Support team, Nicolas Braun.

Logmatic 1.0.2

  • By
  • Logmatic.io


Link to the Logmatic.io documentation

Send log entries to Logmatic.io directly from your iOS apps.


  • Use the library as a logger. Everything is forwarded to Logmatic.io as JSON documents.
  • Metas and extra attributes
  • Track real client IP address and user-agent (optional)
  • If there is no internet connection, logs are saved and sent later

Quick Start

Load and initialize logger

Objc-C usage

You can start the logger whenever you want. The application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method is probably a good choice in order to start logging as soon as possible. Set your API key into the shared logger, add optional info if needed and start the logger.

#import <Logmatic/LMLogger.h>

LMLogger * logger = [LMLogger sharedLogger];
// Set your API key, it can be found on your Logmatic.io platform.
[logger setKey:@"your_key"];

// OPTIONAL init methods
// add some meta attributes in final JSON
[logger setMetas:@{@"userId": @"1234"}];
// resolve client UA and copy it @ 'client.user-agent'
[logger setUserAgentTracking:@"client.user-agent"];
// resolve client IP and copy it @ 'client.IP'
[logger setIPTracking:@"client.IP"];
// logs are sent periodically. Set the requests frequency here (in seconds)
logger.sendingFrequency = 40;
// select your logging level to see more or less info in the console
logger.logLevel = LMLogLevelShort;

// don't forget to start the logger!
[logger startLogger];


Fire your own events

To log some events you simply there is an simple and unique method called log: withMessage:. The first parameter is a NSDictionary which is the JSON object you want to log. You can add an optional message.

NSDictionary * simpleJSON = @{@"name": @"My button name"};
[[LMLogger sharedLogger] log:simpleJSON withMessage:@"Button clicked"];

To clearly explain what happens here, in this exact situation where everything is configured as above the API POSTs the following JSON content to Logmatic.io's API.:

  "severity": "info",
  "userId": "1234",
  "name": "My button name",
  "message": "Button clicked",
  "url": "...",
  "client": {
    "IP" : "109.30.xx.xxx",
    "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.130 Safari/537.36"


You must set the api key to configure the shared logger:

[[LMLogger sharedLogger] setKey:<your_api_key>];

There is only one method to send log events to Logmatic.io:

[[LMLogger sharedLogger] log:<context> withMessage:<message>];

You can also use all the following parameters using the right method:

Method Description Example
setMetas: add some meta attributes in final JSON [logger setMetas:@{@"userId": @"1234"}];
setIPTracking: resolve client IP and copy it @ ip_attr [logger setIPTracking:@"client.IP"];
setUserAgentTracking: resolve client UA and copy it @ ua_attr [logger setUserAgentTracking:@"client.user-agent"];
setSendingFrequency: logs are sent periodically. Set the requests frequency here (in seconds) [logger setSendingFrequency:40];
setLogLevel: select your logging level to see more or less info in the console [logger setLogLevel:LMLogLevelShort];
setUsePersistence: set if, when the app is terminated, the ongoing logs must be saved (and sent later). YES by default. [logger setUsePersistence:NO];