LogSheet 1.0.1

LogSheet 1.0.1

Maintained by Abhishek.

LogSheet 1.0.1


CI Status Version License Platform


This is my agenda for this repository,

  • Maintain a CSV File which maintain your logs
  • Export CSV File using UIActivityViewController
  • UI ListView which shows all logs with a detail view.
  • Filter Button where, you can filter logs on LogType.
  • Update/Delete Option


LogSheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'LogSheet'


  1. Initialize
import LogSheet

Then, you need a LogSheet object for futher actions,

let logSheet = LogSheet.instance
  1. Create Log

At any point, you want to create a log then call write(_:) method which expects LogModel() Object.

// Structure Your Log Model
let model = LogModel(identifer: 123, name: "New Error ", description: "This is my Error. I should write a detailed explanation", tags: [.buisnessError], type: .verbose, createTimestamp: Date(), updateTimestamp: Date())

// Call Write method to persist
if logSheet.write(log: model) {
    print("Successfully Written")
else {
    print("Failed while writing")
  1. Read Log

There is a read method which expect LogID if you want to get that particlaur log. Else, You have to pass nil in the parameter.

// All Logs
if let data = logSheet.read(nil) {
print("Logs Count: \(data.cout)")

// Any Particular Log
if let data = logSheet.read(123) {


Abhishek Kumar Ravi, [email protected]


LogSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.