Licensy 1.1.0

Licensy 1.1.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2018
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Guille Garcia Rebolo.

Licensy 1.1.0

  • By
  • David Jimenez Guinaldo and Guillermo Garcia Rebolo

Licensy for iOS

Build Status CocoaPods compatible License: MIT Swift Version Platform

Licensy for iOS

Copyright © David Jimenez Guinaldo & Guillermo Garcia Rebolo.

Licensy is an iOS drop-in class that allow you to display a table listing all the 3rd Party Libraries that you are using in your app, and preview some data about it's licenses and copyrights.


Licensy works on iOS 9+ and requires ARC to build. It depends on the following Apple frameworks, which should already be included with most Xcode templates:

  • Foundation.framework
  • UIKit.framework

You will need the latest developer tools in order to build Licensy. Old Xcode versions might work, but compatibility will not be explicitly maintained.


CocoaPods is the recommended way to add Licensy to your project.

pod 'Licensy'
  1. Install the pod(s) by running pod install.
  2. Include Licensy wherever you need it with @import Licensy if your project is in Objective-C or import Licensy if your project is in Swift.


Basic usage of this library involves creating a UITableView with the class LicensyTable that provides our pod and adding the libraries included in your app.

'Libraries' Structure

A Library is an object containing all the information about the library being used and its license:

Property Description Example
name The name of the library "Licensy"
organization The name of the organization that created the library "RetoLabs"
url The url where you can found the library ""
copyright The copyright information for the library "Copyright (c) 2017 RetoLabs"
license The license the library uses MITLicense()

As you can tell from above the license is a property of type License, there are some of the more usually used and that Licensy provides:

Name JSON Indetifier
Apache Software License 2.0 "ASL20"
BSD 3-Clause License "BSD3"
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported "CCAND"
GNU General Public License 2.0 "GPL20"
GNU General Public License 3.0 "GPL30"
GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 "LGPL"
ISC License "ISC"
MIT License "MIT"
Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0 "MPL20"

Also you can create your custom license with the object class CustomLicense to build one license that is not listed above.

Add Libraries from objects

You can create yout library objects and provide them to the 'Licensy' table to list them. You can see the detailed examples in the example in this repository.

//Load tableView with an array on Library
let librariesArray: Array<LibraryEntity> = [
    LibraryEntity(name: "Library 1", organization: "RetoLabs", url: "[email protected]", copyright: "Guillermo Garcia Rebolo", license: MITLicense()),
    LibraryEntity(name: "Library 2", organization: "RetoLabs", url: "[email protected]", copyright: "David Jiménez Guinaldo", license: ApacheSoftwareLicense20()),
    LibraryEntity(name: "Library 3", organization: "RetoLabs", url: "[email protected]", copyright: "Guillermo Garcia Rebolo", license: GnuGeneralPublicLicense30()),
    LibraryEntity(name: "Library 4", organization: "RetoLabs", url: "[email protected]", copyright: "David Jiménez Guinaldo", license: GnuGeneralPublicLicense30())

Add Libraries from JSON

You can list all of your libraries and their licenses in a json file included in your app bundle, with a format as such:

    "libraries": [
            "name": "Licensy",
            "organization": "RetoLabs",
            "url": "",
            "copyright": "Copyright (C) 2017 RetoLabs",
            "license": "MIT"
            "name": "MGBottomSheet",
            "organization": "Guillermo Garcia Rebolo",
            "url": "",
            "copyright": "Copyright (C) 2017 Guillermo Garcia Rebolo",
            "license": "MIT"

For use it you can call in your view controller the next code:

//libraries is the name of the JSON file in your project with your 3rd Party libraries
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "libraries", ofType: "json")!
self.tableView.setLibraries(forJsonResourcePath: path)

or this other way, only providing the name of the JSON resource:

tableView.setLibraries(forJsonResourceName: "librerias")

Customize appearance

You are able to customize some style properties:

Property Description Example
headerContentColor An UIColor for the header title, underline header and his accesory UIColor.white
headerBackgroundColor An UIColor for the header background UIColor(red:0.15, green:0.30, blue:0.38, alpha:1.0)
accentColor An UIColor for the library link and the license button UIColor(red:0.00, green:0.50, blue:0.50, alpha:1.0)
roundLicenseButton A boolean property to round or not the license button corners true
accesory An enumaration property to choose between 2 different kind of accesory styles (.arrow or .plus) .arrow
licenseSize An enumaration property to choose between 2 different kind of license formats (.minimal or .extended) .minimal

Example of customization:

tableView.appearance.accentColor =
tableView.appearance.roundLicenseButton = true
tableView.appearance.accesory = .plus
tableView.appearance.licenseSize = .extended

We provide you 3 different predefined styles:

Licensy for iOS Licensy for iOS Licensy for iOS
Default style iOS style Orange fit

Applying a predefined style:

tableView.appearance.setIOSDefaultAppearance() //iOS style
tableView.appearance.setOrangeFitAppearance() //Orange fit