LSDrupalSDK 0.1.0

LSDrupalSDK 0.1.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by mac.

  • By
  • Oleg Stasula

Drupal8 iOS SDK


Drupal8 iOS SDK is a library for native iOS applications to communicate with Drupal web servers.

Currently library is using AFNetworking for communication with server.

Main purpose of this library is to make communication with Drupal 8 - based servers as easy and intuitive as possible.

Main features

1. Requests are binded to entities

You can simply call

- [DrupalEntity pushToServer]       //to post data to server.
- [DrupalEntity pullFromServer]     //to pull data from server.
- [DrupalEntity deleteFromServer]   //to remove data from server.
- [DrupalEntity patchServerData]    //to patch  patch data to server.

2. Responses are not binded to entities only

Besides of entity api provides few more handy structures: NSArray / NSDictionary can manage drupal and non-drupal entities, providing them with all DrupalEntity methods like post, push, pull, delete.

3. Object serialization/deserialization

Library automatically serializes/deserializes objects including attached objects and arrays of objects. Because objective c does not support strongly typed arrays you have to implement method: - (Class)classOfItems:(NSString *)propertyName and return class of objects of array.

4. Other details


DrupalEntity object or array of objects (depends on response).


Object, containing server base URL and is responsible for server request generation and posting to server. You have to set DrupalAPIManager.baseURL before making action with DrupalEntity instance.


Category extends manager of AFNetworking and is used in DrupalAPIManager. Will be imporoved and extended to support login scheme.

Transient fields

If field should not be serialized or deserialized override method - (BOOL)isPropertyTransient:(NSString *)propertyName and return YES for needed property name.

5. Code samples

1. Implement DrupalEntity:

In order to implement drupal entity you just have to extend DrupalEntity and implement following methods:


this method will return relative path to entity on the server.

- (NSString *)path {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"node/%@", self.nid]

this method will return item get parameters if needed.

- (NSDictionary *)requestGETParams {
    return @{@"page":};

2. Set server url

[DrupalAPIManager sharedDrupalAPIManager].baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];

3. Instantiate DrupalEntity

BlogPage *bp = [BlogPage new]; = @(page);
[bp pullFromServer:nil];


To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.




LSDrupalSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.