LPIntegratedRating 1.0.0

LPIntegratedRating 1.0.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2017
SwiftSwift Version 4.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Luis Padron, Luis Padron.

An integrated rating view for iOS built with Swift 4


  • Stops users feeling annoyed from pop ups asking for ratings.
  • Customizable for your app needs.
  • Easy to use with UITableView's and UICollectionViews's.


From Source

  1. Simply download the source from here and add it to your Xcode project


Delegate conformance

You must conform to the delegate in order to customize the view.

Here is an example:

extension ViewController: LPRatingViewDelegate {
    func ratingViewDidFinish(with status: LPRatingViewCompletionStatus) {
        switch status {
        case .ratingApproved:
            print("Rating approved")
        case .ratingDenied:
            print("Rating denied")
        case .feedbackApproved:
            print("Feedback approved")
        case .feedbackDenied:
            print("Feedback denied")
    func ratingViewConfiguration(for state: LPRatingViewState) -> LPRatingViewConfiguration? {
        switch state {
        case .initial:
            let title = NSAttributedString(string: "Enjoying this app?",
                                           attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])
            let title2 = NSAttributedString(string: "Yes!",
                                            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor(red: 0.376, green: 0.788, blue: 0.773, alpha: 1.00)])
            let title3 = NSAttributedString(string: "Not really",
                                            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])
            return LPRatingViewConfiguration(title: title,
                                             approvalButtonTitle: title2,
                                             rejectionButtonTitle: title3)
        case .approval:
            let title = NSAttributedString(string: "How about rating, then?",
                                           attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])
            let title2 = NSAttributedString(string: "Ok, sure",
                                            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor(red: 0.376, green: 0.788, blue: 0.773, alpha: 1.00)])
            let title3 = NSAttributedString(string: "No, thanks",
                                            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])
            return LPRatingViewConfiguration(title: title,
                                             approvalButtonTitle: title2,
                                             rejectionButtonTitle: title3)
        case .rejection:
            let title = NSAttributedString(string: "Would you mind giving us some feedback",
                                           attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])
            let title2 = NSAttributedString(string: "Ok, sure",
                                            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor(red: 0.376, green: 0.788, blue: 0.773, alpha: 1.00)])
            let title3 = NSAttributedString(string: "No, thanks",
                                            attributes: [.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])
            return LPRatingViewConfiguration(title: title,
                                             approvalButtonTitle: title2,
                                             rejectionButtonTitle: title3)


Simply create an instance of LPRatingTableViewCell, assign the delegate and return it!

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
	let cell = LPRatingTableViewCell(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: nil)
	cell.delegate = self
	return cell


First register the class

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Register class
    collectionView?.register(LPRatingCollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "testCell")

Then simply create an instance of LPRatingCollectionViewCell, assign the delegate and return it

override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "testCell", for: indexPath) as! LPRatingCollectionViewCell
    cell.delegate = self
    return cell

View Flow

Here is the flow of the view, and the types of cases that will be passed to the delegate along the way.



Read the full documentation here